Game free on PSN PLUS as GAME OF MONTH

Why don’t put again CONAN as a game of month free for PLAYSTATION PLUS?
This is how i knew this game and i never stopped playing.
You should think to do it again so we can improve the players community on playstation.
I hope you think about this.
Servers have very low populations, and this can help to add more players to know this game.

Sony decides that, not Funcom. I also highly doubt that a game that was a PS+ free game once, would be again.


That’s what ultimately hooked me…

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Yeah I could see a lot of drama over if they put a previous PS+ game on PS+ again.

But they could put it on PS Now for a couple of months. A lot of PS Now games are already stuff that has been on PS+

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Ark is the “free” game this month.

I rather spend my time on CE, but still waiting for the transfers to more populated servers.

Ark does not even have the polish that CE has.

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