This bug happens everywhere. Please fix it!!! Basically, if you go in a hallway, your thralls, in my case a person + horse just stand there and I cannot MOVE at ALL. This is like a game crash as nothing can be done but stand there. THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN IN GAME FOR YEARS!!! This is all over the server and this should be addressed ASAP! I am supportive of the game, but this is an old issue that should be fixed. I don’t care about the latrine and some of the other things I can forgive. But when I am blocked from playing, I don’t want to be part of this anymore! It is excessively frustrating and this is no longer a GAME anymore because it is not fun. Please fix. I love the way this game plays for the most part and I want to support its future!
Yes, that is indeed quite an annoying thing.
While it would be nice if there was some official “fix” for this (for example the mod Better Thralls allows you to yell at your thralls and they’ll move away from you, something similar would be nice in the basegame too).
What “can” help atm is setting a longer Follow distance. The default is set to the lowest possible when taming a thrall and placing them, so increasing that to low or medium will eliminate most of the issues, the problem is when you’re trying to interact with something and you hit E on the ground by accident, they’ll all move up to bodyblock you.
You can also carry around a katana with you, holding the block button with it equipped and then while held pressing the attack to perform the special dash makes you clip through their mesh and allows you to free yourself.
Yeah I carry around a katana just for this purpose. Definitely helpful
Also use it as a possible help for the few times the dismount from horse big still happens and I’m stuck in my horse!
Thanks for the responses. I think I was able to wiggle out after setting the distances to max. And I guess I’ll carry along the obligatory katana (unless they nerf that and don’t fix the blocking). I just think we should be able to “push” our thralls - like in Fallout 4 when our follower is in the doorway - you can just walk into them and they slide back. Thanks for reading my RANT and giving the advice.
Thanks. Guess I’ll create a katana to carry around for this issue.
A lot of this instances could be avoided, if Funcom would simply split the “command the horse” to a separate hotkey.
In the past, the problem was that sometimes you’d block yourself as you couldn’t command the horse or mount it (i.e. - instances, like Wine Cellar). Nowadays, the problem occurs due to us wanting to command the thralls - and the horse following the same orders needlessly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A fix would be to add the “Move” command to thrall’s menu wheel, in addition to the command wheel. Also, improve the pathing for thrall ordered to move, so they actually move out of the way instead of just keep standing in my way.
Another option (maybe a better one) would be to add a “Back Up” command to thrall’s command and menu wheels… where, regardless of land claim, or whatever silliness prevents the move command from working in certain areas like NPC camps, my thralls would just move 5 or 10 meters away from me.
I am so grateful for this thread. I get stuck every day and can’t get by my horse it happens so much that if I don’t need my horse to help carry stuff back I leave it at home. Making a katana right now.
The katana is so useful!
I made one from one of the DLCs so the icon has different highlighting so I can find it easily
This game 1000% needs a push followers command. It is beyond infuriating how frequently followers trap you, even with the workarounds it is still a constant hassle. My favorite is getting trapped with my feet not on the ground, so I am floating in the air and cannot use the katana to escape.
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