German book of exiled lands

Ich habe ein Buch über meinen Lieblingscharakter geschrieben … Auch als Fanwork, gibt es jetzt über Amazon als Ebook oder Taschenbuch zu kaufen. Da ich nicht so gut in Englisch bin, gibt es das nur in deutscher Sprache.

I have written a book about my favorite character … it’s a fanwork, to buy at amazon. But, I’m german and not so good as english. So you only can get it in german language.


An actual written book about your favourite character? Wow, that’s impressive. Hopefully someone is interested, my German is not that good unfortunately. :sweat_smile:

Sorry, my english is not good enough for translate the book. But my daughter is learning hard to do that one time. (If she is old enough to read it, 'cause she is 9 years old)
Perhaps someone will find it earlier to make this just for fun.

The translation is quite good. @Shadoza

It’s also pretty cheap. I’m currently thinking about buying it.

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Probably true. I think I’ll check it out. Is it only available on Amazon or also in stores @Raffnuss?

Yes, is only about Amazon. 'cause Amazon is the only who wants no money from me, to publish.
The writing was much fun, so I’m working on the next book. The story about Jurijs friend Ivan. @tobi04

And yes @Shadoza. Thats a very good translation. Sorry, that the book is only in german available. My english is not good enough for translate a book.