Writing a book about the game

Hallo everybody. I love the game conan exiles. I spent more than 4000 hours in the last two years in this game… now I writing a book about my loveliest RoleplayingCharakter in this game. Funcom, you got a mail from me, with questions about to publish the book if it is ready.

And I’m sorry now for all. I’m not really good in english language, so the book will be only in german. I do every myself. Theres no press to help me :flushed:

Why I write this here? My first Mail for Question I was sending in April … Please Funcom read it now and answer me. :blush:

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Hm. Really. I have to know if it will be ok that I use screenshots in my book and for the cover … nobody of funcom here to answer me?

if you use @Spynosaur_Nicole or @AndyB the get a pop up when thy visit the Forum or as an alternitive you can write there a DM directly

Wenn du die @ Erwähnungen für @Spynosaur_Nicole und / oder @AndyB nutzt, bekommen die CM´s ein Pop up wenn sie das Forum besuchen. Alternative kannst du denen auch eine Private Nachricht schreiben.

Hi there @Raffnuss
That sounds like quite the project and great to hear you are so invested into Conan Exiles :slight_smile:
Which email did you send your request to?

Hi there Tascha. I send a mail at Fr., 9. Nov., 09:11, cause I will use a screenshot from starting video for the cover of my book and will use some screens from players, they often me.
It will be my second bood I will publish. Do you need my mail adress to find?

Yes, but a new user can’t do that … :relaxed:

There are no private informations in my post. :wink:

I would need to know which email address you sent it to. If you can PM me that would be great.

how can I send a PM to you? I don’t find the button for that? I’m afraid I do not see the trees for the forest… :thinking:

Hey :wink:

On the first Picture cklick on Tascha´s Name

Second Picture click on “Nachricht” (sorry use german layout)


On the Third Picture
by 1 fill out with a subject
by 2 fill out with your Massage
by 3 cklick to send the Massage

I can’t do something without post here. If I klick on Tashas name, there’s no button for message … I also can’t take a picture here in. I think I have to be much more longer in this forum to have the right to do?

I will check if i can do something for you

Try it again to DM Tascha should work now

Thanks a lot @Melcom now it will work :kissing_heart: