Hello, as the title says I only just want to share an experience I had while playing on single player in the Isle of Siptah.
I have a base on 10F and I was farming bark in the dead trees at the border between 9H and 10H when i noticed some meteorites around the area. As you know, when you play single player and get out of rendering distance, things either respawn or despawn most of the times. So, I decided to test if meteorites would despawn if i returned to my base. I mount up, back to my base, got some demon fire orbs and did another couple of things and riding back i had to stop because real life happens. I estimate it took me about 10 minutes to get back to the area and the meteorites were still there! I couldn’t be happier.
Now I need to test if this happens in Exile Lands as well. That is, you can get away from landed meteorites and they will not despawn. On the other hand, meteorites need first to ever fall which i have seen only once in single player.
I hope someone can use some help from this experience.
PS: please excuse my english, it’s not my first language
On exile lands star metal farming is not so easy as Siptah. But in single player things do not despawn so easy, the problem is that they do not spawn easy . But like I said, star metal in Siptah is way way easier than exile lands. In exile lands if you want on single player to have spawns you have to build a small base north of the mount of the dead and spend some time there. Doing things inside your base you will listen the meteo shower and you can go and start farming.
In official servers these spawns are more so all you need to do is fast travel, check and go back.
You don’t necessarily have to build there, but last I checked, you do need to go spend some time there. Building is just one way to pass the time. You could actually just go sit around and contemplate the nature of existence with the rather large wise man on the mountain in that region.
Or slaughter the Cimmerian village a few times. Whatever works for you.
Meh…either map I end up with over 1000 bars after a week and I never use that up…but of course that doesn’t stop me from harvesting more and more…Hi I’m erjoh and I have a farming problem.