Giant Chess Set - missing white pieces - not solved!

Since you closed my original Thread here:

i´ll open this new one because I´d still like to answer that.
First off all, that´s bad practice: selling something and change what you get after the fact - upps, we didn´t meant to sell it that way? Really?
2. Since the set is in the bazar right now - this is what the picture shows me:
According to this - i already own the white and the black figures - which i don´t.

(And whats up with the huge price difference between the white and black tiles anyways?)

This should include the board pieces for the chess set.
The chess pieces bundle has been removed until we can get the issue with the icon resolved.

As for the price difference, I’m not sure. Will check with the rest of the development team and get back as soon as I know more.

Will check with the rest of the development team and get back as soon as I know more.

Ok we got time. We will wait

Welcome to the bazaar, I see you’ve discovered one of our features.
Sorry dude, this is actually common for the bazaar and why I refuse to shop there till they have do crom refunds on request.

File for a refund. Good luck.

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