Giant-king obelisks & Avatar of a God

I have went and got all the giant-king obelisks 3 times. Is there away to get the journey off my list or is it bugged. Also if the Summon a avatar of a god is disable on PVE, then can it be removed from the journey or already marked complete. Because we tried it and killed the temple and all for nothing. Just a seal that we could not use.

There is one location, which you either cannot reach without admin tools/privileges OR you reach it, when you remove the wristband.

PS.: You cannot complete the journey anyway. There is one step, where you have to kill a boss which isnt even in the game (the Mummy).

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Are you sure that you have found all 28 stones of the giant kings?
I’ve done this job, it’s stones and not obelisks. :v:t4:

And there is no need to take the last journey.
Who wants to start from scratch again? :joy::v:t4:

Hello @JCF, we’re aware of the issues with unlocking a few of the journey steps and the team will look into them as soon as possible, apologies for the inconvenience.

Hey Hugo, actually only these steps need to be repaired:
Discover all places.
Fight against the mummy.


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