While you are working on bringing crafter thralls into the tavern, I would also like to request golem crafters that we can build. What I’m thinking is that the type of golem can be the level of crafter and the only difference from harvesting golems would be that the “weapon” is a repair hammer
Stone=T2, standard repair hammer
Iron=T3, steel repair hammer
Crystal=T4 (General non-specialized), star metal repair hammer.
This keeps the T4 as difficult RNG/grinding fest but since the t3 gets you the specialized recipes (for the most part) then it’s still doable and provides another option outside of pressing servitude.
I don’t agree with this unless the cost is incredibly high, my solution to this would be that armor penetration is substantially reduced for only NPC enemies hitting them, as I watched two 15 thousand HP Golems be dropped by one enemy using a mace. It was stupid and the explosive head was absolutely useless to finish the job.
Hearted you because I believe that your feedback is still valid and should be respected.
I think you are misunderstanding what i’m suggesting. I want the golems to also be crafters so that a player can just make all of his thralls vs the golems just being fighters.
As for you experience with golems, that sounds like the enemy had a star metal mace and star metal weapons do 8X damage against golems. Its the reason why you will never see full acceptance of golems as defenders in PVP because they are just that squishy against someone in the know of their weakness to star metal. Also you don’t take golems to mounds because of that. Everywhere else, they are worth their weight in salt but mounds is where they suck big time.
Well I didn’t know that I can agree that theu should be crafters but the ones from the north camp that sells pets this way its not just instant random parts that way they could also count as T4 even if they came from the master crafter.
Well no wonder that they dropped like garbage. I had to use them to get back to something I couldn’t just port back. Then my damn thrall shows up…BACK AT CAMP!!! not sure how it did I died I should have had to go back to get them but nooo. >-> game likes to mess with me I swear lol
I suggest to only build stone golems. Because it is fast if you have the materials. No worries about the 8X hit except golems should be repairable. Once you have ~20 stone golems, then build a few more where you want them in the way. These few you can upgrade.
If you want to run with a golem, set it to guard (was stand and defend). You’ll find it won’t run back to base when you go down.
I’m still thinking about when it can craft. Maybe after it gathers a few resources.