Good PVP build for Exiles Server?

The idea is, by using Attributes carefully and respeccing, Vermin gives you those points back. You’d be amazed at how you might spend them. When you run out of your Vermin sets, temporarily use tats/fish or respec, and you still have your big pile of Dragon and Legion Lights.

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But I play as a nomad. Which means not camping on a server too long. I usually last about a week before alpha/og clans either start the exploit tactics or group up to raid offline only. Once they don’t come at my/our base while we are online we know that tactic is on the horizon. Almost comical how it always plays out that way everytime.

So we tend to only use easily replicated build outs for speed sake.

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Just curious seems like everyone recommends light (and I used it with demon helmet on Siptah) but I cannot help but wonder if there is a benefit of having the extra armor from the medium sets? Are we still better off going with light and just using the bulk armor plating (vs. medium with same plating)? I realize that stamina is very important now but curious if medium is a good “middle of the road” approach or is it just mediocre at everything.

Honestly I’m not a hardcore PVP player and mostly do PVE but do want to be able to have a decent chance of defending myself against other players.

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You get hit, you get staggered. Either you take another hit or your use stamina to get out (dodge roll).
If you use light armor, you use less stamina for a dodge roll.

PvP all boils down to right click with spear +1 second wait to do another right click (always first hit from the combo).
The enemy will stay staggered, even if you wait 1 second. He either needs to dodge roll or is in a stunlock (if the enemy is decent with spear).

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medium and heavy are more pve armors now a days. That way you can tank more and button mash. Light is more mobile or,as I like to do, just use cheap armor and iron daggers with poison potion for DoT stacking. If you focus on annoyance more than killing they will usually rage quit if you only win 2 or 3 outta 10. If they win, they get scraps, if you win you got thier favorite “kit”.

Back when I ran a server, I would have tournaments but set certain armor and weapon rules
I would supply any non legendary armor of the class the tourney rule used. Players got to jeep it.
I would supply Star metal weapons of the tourney rules, players gotnto keep.

So like Heavy Armor, 1H and shield and either daggers or bow. This way it forced players to try different tactics, and reduced meta from ruining the fun.

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