First, the set it’s absolutely gorgeous.
Second, curve walls are a nightmare to place and a cap would be much appreciated.
How do you guys place these walls and what do you use to replace the cap?
What I would love to know is why they won’t let us place any of the curved pieces – curved wall, curved roof corner, rooftop dome, etc. – on top of the rounded ceiling?
I’m more or less managing.
I guess they just meant us to do little yurts but we’re obviously going crazy with the pieces.
C’mon FUNCOM, don’t you know us by now?
Obviously NO ! The inability from Funcom to be able to foresee how the building pieces they provide could be abused by players is atonishing.
This one shares your lamentation.
Also, if this one recalls, this one did warn you in another thread…
So beautiful!
Yet so incomplete and this one has performed amateur unsolicited dentistry with less resistance to application.
I cant believe it has been released again with all the bugs from the first time , truly shocking from funcom, shows its all about the money now
Thumbs down. It should be fixed by now from first time when it was for sell.
Yeah, it should, but I already got the hang of it.
It took some experimentation, but I finally figured it out. I found myself placing the wall/roof at a specific orientation and and using the trigger to rotate into position.
I do love the skylight look.