Game mode: [Enter game mode here: Online official Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Bug Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvP Region: North America
[Describe the bug here]
Well, I am finding all the other Exile Thrall Armorers, Zavek, Ternis Burnbritches, Chelkus the Smith, Enis Ironwrought, Oisun the Smith. They spawn as you would expect, rare, but present. Grrr Legbiter seems to be bugged, not spawning even once in about a year now. Grrr Legbiter is the only crafter of Flawless Hyperborian Slaver armor so you look for him when in the area. Roughly 1000 to 2000 searches.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Go down to what is affectionately called noob river, the area you first enter when leaving the desert start point…
Start checking the Exile spawns for Grrr Legbiter.
Check 2000 times.
Results will be multiples of all other Exile armorers, but no Grrr Legbiter.
I don’t think it’s a bug - he’s intentionally hard to find.
It took us 2 months of constant spawn camping of the bonfire above Sandswept Ruins to get our first. The second one spawned 4 hours later. It was painful, we had one clan member present at that site the entire time. Took down a furnace, alchemist and carpenter to have something to do between kill and respawn. Made a lot of bricks and shaped wood during those dark days. This was the only place he was spawning at that time.
Picked up a Grrr at Sinners Refuge about a month ago.
Now we’re torturing ourselves with the never ending quest for Syra Brennerhet. Good times…
Funny thing is I found Grrr Legbiter the first time I went to Drifter’s Rest, but that was on another server where we all got attacked by an invading clan using the avatar hack, which has since been fixed/removed. Anyway they seemed to have 5 or more avatars every night and we all had to move on, but I set my thralls free first.
I’m not going to bother with it then. Grrr used to be more important, but there are some armors that are fairly similar to the Hyperborean set now. better maybe once you dye them. Some levels of rarity are bad for gameplay. Not finding him in 2000 attempts is that.
Grrr Legbiter has so many spawnpoints they’re hard to count
Even though the chance to spawn is quite low, one could run the south side of newb river and start again by hitting the north side or riding a horse to the beginning. Some are just a pain, since critters may get to him before you do, but he will spawn if you keep at it. For a map of possibility spawns see his page on the wiki and click map:
I’ve captured 3 Grrr’s in the last 4-5 months myself. Just many spawns to check. Other players perhaps capturing him/being killed as previously mentioned. Are you killing the exiles in those spots and checking respawns as well?
grr lebinger is fine, he has about 10 spawns in newbie area that he share with all t4 exiles faction. if you spend one week to do all those spawn point your are sure to find him. i usally get it in 2-3 days in any servers when doing a tour of all his spawnpoints, it even happened to me to get him 2 time in same day recently.
I’m having the same problem. It took me months to find Hanar of Bossonia and Zoara of the Marshes at Sep but then I found them both within two days :s. Good luck, friend