Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug | Misc]
Region: [US East | Unofficial | PVE-C]
‘Werk of the lost tribe’ (Forgotten_Tribe Armorer_4_Cimmerian) and ‘Grrr Legbiter’ (Exile_Armorer_4_Darfari) Don’t seem to spawn. With the current issues, can we get a confirmation that the spawn is “working as intended” or if there is a current spawning issue? If someone has recently seen either of these thrall, it would be nice to know when they were seen. It does not help to know the thralls in question were seen over a month ago. A lot of things have changed since then.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Head to known spawn areas
- Look for T4 armorers in question
- Fail to find armorer
- Die a little inside
- Murder entire village
- Wait for village to respawn
- Repeat