[Guide] Sustain-tanking for anyone

That’s the biggest part of fun for me, you have to play a lot more around mechanics and timings in order to survive with less cooldowns, like interrupting a cast at the very last moment in order to buy you some time (cause during a cast, the boss obviously does not autoattack you), dodge rolling out of range of a hit, using healing potions, etc…

The funny thing is with the steep damage curve, I can run E6s with no cooldowns (only cruel delight + the pulverize heal) and E7 with just thick skin. For consistency though I just anima allocate to 60%+ dps and use the normal cooldown rotation.

All right, it’s been a while since i promised to do a video about useful tanking mods and various settings. Here we go:

Also, updated this post with the video and a starting mod list for tanking (work in progress):

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I guess i’ve got 2 new videos relative to tanking that i didn’t drop here yet. Here we go!
The first one is an Ankh6 tutorial video that i’ve already shared in a dedicated thread, i think it wasn’t necessary.

The following one is the new bread & butter compilation of tricks we found out recently and had fun with. Enjoy!

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Haha, most surprising to me was that you can just jump over the wave like that. I’m not familiar with the agents you used in the shotgun build, I’m guessing one of them’s a druid 10% agent, is the other one worth mentioning in the guide?

The shotgun kiting build for MT is mostly a trolling build. It’s actually not profitable because of the heavy group DPS loss that goes with it. Otherwise, agents were: the demon 10%, the SA shotgun agent and the faction quartermaster. But agents and gear hardly matter much with that build, i didn’t even have the dedicated shotgun signets, or even generics.

The main idea about that shotgun build is that you can break the game quite easily and kitte a lot of bosses with alacrity + grounding line + occasional quickness, even with MT using Flame Lash. You untrigger Flame Lash each time you just make the boss swing, so this is how he didn’t ever cast it.

We will incorporate the leechtanking on Ur’Draug and the Primeval Jotunn Cranial Fragment’s usage on Klein. We won’t keep using the trolling shotgun build on Machine Tyrant, but rather the now “classic” cleansetanking build.

Here’s the EffectsUi setting used to track the name of the person getting punished by Ur’Draug in the blue phase:

Hi all. With the rebalance, this guide is now completely useless and unsalvageable. Stop following it. Can it get unpinned @AndyB please?

Rebalancing hasn’t happened on the live game yet. Until it does, the guide should still be useful.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to motivate people to grind gear that is advised in this guide only to have it replaced in a month.


A month you say?! I wondered when the rebalance would happen.

Well, you don’t have to take everything i say “literally”. I don’t know.

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Oh I’m holding you to it now. I can’t wait for it to come out.

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