Guide: Which Altar to use for which Tier 4 Thrall b4 2.2 patch

We weathered 2020. In celebration, I (and the devkit) give to you what we all wanted to know: which Altars give which named thralls! (Posted here and in Players-helping-Players to make sure if you were looking for it, you’d find it.)

The Center Gives: Alchemists, and Tanners
The East: Tanners, Taskmasters, and Blacksmiths
The North: Cooks, and Smelters
The North-East: Carpenters, Smelters, and Armorers
The South: Alchemists, Cooks, and Blacksmiths
The West: Carpenters, and Taskmasters

It’d be handy to know which kind of each thrall (edgesmith, bladesmith or tempersmith for example) drop where exactly, but hey, this is a start!


A damn good start, Skalla :smiley:

If from the devkit, and an name list, you (or the wiki-us) can get that info.

I’m interested in which tables gave you that info.



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Be aware that in the patch on Testlive this becomes irrelevant - all the factions will provide all thrall types (as intended). The only reasons to pick one over another WRT crafting thralls will be specialties - each direction only has 2 of the three specialties per thrall type (one on the “normal” T4 crafter, and a different one on the rarer “purge” T4 crafter).

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But that implies that each will give specific professions, since each specialization is different and only used for one type of crafter.

What am I missing?



You can find them on the WeightedSpawnTableRow (Data Table) which can be found in:

You have to search for the type of thrall for each altar (since we only care about t4 surges they are): Children of Jhebbal Sag, Cultists of Dagon, Aesir, Army of Aquilonia, Yoggites, and Treasure Seekers.

Hmmm, somebody looted my WeightedSpawnTableRow.

Are you in the TestLive version?



I’m in the regular one. If there’s a way to use the devkit on testlive, please let me know how. Here’s a screenshot.

Go on 1p admin and spawn thralls to check this out. Every faction has two of each profession of crafter (one purge-tier, one non-purge-tier), and if it’s a specialized profession (i.e., not cook, smelter, etc), the two will have different specialties. The problem was that the spawn tables were messed up and only some of the factions would spawn particular thralls (and thus professions). The patch fixed that and now every faction should spawn one common and one rare/purge thrall of each profession.

First, I mislead you by including the full devkit window, not just the WeightedSpawnTableRow in the center. It doesn’t contain anything. So a search would be futile.

Any ideas?

Secondly, there is a devkit preload of testlive, but I have no idea of how to get it, but I will search and edit here if found.



Edited PS: Can’t find the info on a testlive devkit. It may have been an announcement that one was coming.

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