"Half damage from fall" perk is bugged

With Agility=20 you are supposed to take only half the damages from a fall.
But you only take half of the damage of the max your health can take. It does not depend of the height…
I had my character jump from Tower of Bats… ( :wink: you know the coolest water dive in the galaxy). Perk or not she should have smashed on the ground. She only took half of her health and kept walking “no problemo”.
That coupled with Vitality=30 (autoregen), I could just climb and repeat!

I have the feeling that the damage is computed as Maxed then Halfed.
It should be Halfed first, Maxed to your health after.

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this matter cause that all map claimed by clans for to skip the raiding towers and to start jars over ceil houses.
1.- funcom would be correct this bug.
2.- server would have less latency without spaming foundations.

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