Harmless Wall of Fire

Basic Info:

Platform: Xbox Series S
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Server Name: Payne Island

Bug Description:

Sorcery: ‘Wall of Fire’ deals no damage. Not to player nor AI enemies. It seems to work fine on PvP and Single/Coop, however.

Bug Reproduction:

Cast the sorcery; ‘Wall of Fire’.

How in the world is your console handling the updated version?

Have you had the same crashes that have been affecting alot of the other series S players here?

I’m curious. Did you uninstall all conan content and then install the updated version?

No. Runs smooth and no crashing. I’ve been on PvP, PvE, Single/Coop, Private, and Official servers. Other than graphical bugs and the Wall of Fire spell, it’s been fine.

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Are you on a series S Xbox ?

Mine was a trainwreck to the point of giving up on funcom’s team.

What’s your secret to this playable version you speak of?

Gypsy magic?

Sorcery, of course.

Series S and it updated just fine and plays great.

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Well, that gives me hope…I’ll wipe my console and try a fresh install then…thankyou for your response.

Might work. Just a full reset and then a full shut down of your system before installing.

I’ll be honest my son has an S and I have an X and we both have the same issues for the most part;

Invisible enemies, armor, and placeable items. Basically everything already listed on the forum over the last two days.

The only difference is he seems to crash a bit while we play coop.

Have hope, I’ve been playing since Exiles came out and Funcom has always “eventually” fixed the bugs. Or so I’ve seen.

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So, luck is not on my side.

I’ve fully uninstalled the game. I kept the save file.
I unplugged for the reboot. I reinstalled the game without any interruption.

No improvement to any of the performance disappointments were found.

I feel like it’s kind of an unethical move to release something like this without a rollback option. But I’m in the camp of believing that 3.0 should have been it’s own titled game or dlc. Sure, the crap that is making the game unplayable again was free ,yay…so the game I already paid for has been taken away…except for that 5 minutes of playtime that comes between 4 crashes.

It’s taken me the past 4 hours to walk one fully loaded invisible camel halfway across the exiled land map.

Sorry to hear. I’ve been playing since the release with no crashes - Not on XBox S or PC. I swear, I’ve not cast my own sorcery to see too my own enjoyment.

Chants in a demonic language, eyes growing black

Nope, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary at all. Must just be fluke that I’ve encountered nothing game breaking.

Sinister grin

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