To build 10 taverns, you need to do a lot of purge, where you will lose several of your leveled warriors. Аnd then run from one tavern to another in the hope that someone will appear. And if someone appears, it will be some Braggi or Deirdre, and it is not a fact that you will be able to talk to them.
Alas, here too Funkom was greedy and did not give good opportunities. It’s easier to take warriors at the place where they are waiting for you (Lian and Berserker), and artisans in Sepermeru. Apparently, the tavern currently only makes sense as a cosmetic and entertainment establishment.
We got our Barkeep day one and have found zero hire-able T4 thralls so far.
When you talk about the devil, he is usually not far away.
My first t4 after 5 days, it’s an archer, and of course i can’t hire him.
(I don’t think he is a very good one anyways)
But still weird. Of course you don’t expect the bar to do all the work for you, but if once a week a t4 shows up and you can’t hire him.
Makes the bar feel more like a decoration than something useful. At least atm
Yeah just hired a zerker for 500 gold- LOL!
As i just posted, i login to my tavern and theres a t4 waiting to hired- for 500 gold.
So your theory goes out the window
He is one of the best archers. He has a high ranged multiplier of 2.16, but the most important thing is that he already has 30 agility, and as a rule a very high percentage of agility improvement, sometimes even 100% drops.
I’m happy for you, you’re lucky.
Actually you can get them in level 1. Got 2 in 3 tries. Just place the trader, a few trinkets. Then katana the conga line. 10 minutes and you are checking cages.
Interesting, thx fellow exile.
Now im even more pissed!
Hmm just freed Frigga Falsehope from a cage on IOS- does this mean theres a chance that particular thrall will appear at the tavern now?
I’ve had a barkeeper since day one, and I got 3 different bars (two in one building). There’s usually at least one T4 thrall present thus far, but never been able to hire.
I got one Nord zerker just yesterday from a purge on EL - cant get those otherwise now.
Sweet base strenght but weak multiplier sadly.
The multiplier makes zero difference in a purge when the thrall is being stun locked.
Zerkers, and Dalinsia’s still die
Cannibal Brute and a Relic Hunter Captain (remember those?)
This one thinks that Kurak’s old cloning vat facilities must have finally opened.
Three Snowhunters have been the T4s this one has hired.
Two were in the bar at the same time
Which is odd, as this one rarely has two hirable guests at all, much less identical named NPCs.
If you let your thralls get stunlocked yeah it doesn’t matter, but if they aren’t then time to kill is greater.