I have been playing on server #1103 since May (400+ hours). My last login before today was on friday, 19 Oktober.
Due to real life commitments I logged in again today after five days to ensure that the decay timer would reset. However, upon logging in I discovered that all of my buildings have been marked as abandoned in the last couple of days.
All of my doors, chests, valuable T3 items and materials were destroyed by the system and all of my t4 Thralls were “returned home”. What wasn’t destroyed were easy pickings for a couple of passers-by who took advantage of my misfortune.
How is is it possible that a five day hiatus would trigger such an apocalypse, especially when all of my buildings were T3 (hardened brick).
Is there anyway of getting these items back?
I don’t have the patience to rebuild everything again due to an apparent “glitch” in the system.
Any help would be appreciated.