Hate to do this, but its almost 2020! 50% height only bug!

Game mode: [Single-player]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE]

[When a player “me” creates a character with height other then 50% the cloth physics stop working at random times !! that bug must bin on your list sins the first early access release, its now what how long? what ever, fix that bug!]

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Create a character with a height of less then 50%
  2. play a bit (if RNGeejes is kind you play a bit, but if not all cloth & hair physics stop working.
1 Like

wow. never saw that at all :open_mouth:

This happens to thralls too. Ive only found two archer thralls with physics so far. Pretty shocking this is still a thing, horse update fixed soooo much, not this though.

Lissa o’ the longbow. Place her down, enjoy her hair physics, change any armor piece, no longer have physics on her ever again. Funnily enough titty physics are still all good, priorities i guess…

Also are all the volcano t4 folks short? I dont have a sinle one with physics! Those tall nords have physics galore though

Hey @Noxsa

Thanks for the reminder, we’ll poke our team about this issue again.


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