Have I raised a horse with the maximum possible HP?

Hello, I have been trying to get a perfect horse with maximum HP since the update. Now I have managed to get +2 vit every level. 4682HP is the result, I don’t know if it can be increased further, have I reached the maximum?

+1 Vit Base Spawn
+40 Vit 2Vit/Level
+25 Vit Perks
+120 HP Food/Potion Buff

Well, even if it’s not perfect or the best, it’s certainly the healthiest! :slight_smile:

Except the fact that its dead to begin with…


Oh yea, didn’t even notice the horse, was focusing on the stats :smiley:
I see OP managed to ruin a perfectly fine horse with a saddle it doesn’t need as well hahaha

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Why ruined? Without a saddle you can only get on the horse in the menu and it is hardly manoeuvrable. I guess it didn’t occur to you that the saddle can be deleted with “Rescue”. :grin:


I didn’t mean permanently ruined :stuck_out_tongue: I know you can have it disappear with rescue.
However I haven’t tried high speed maneuverability, but the saddle that comes with the horse to me seems better than any current in-game saddle so idk about the “hardly maneuverable” part :man_shrugging: guess I need to try it see how it actually performs

Try it out, the Maneuverability saddle also offers the lowest stamina consumption.

I just hate the way it looks so I don’t bother. I use SL saddle because i think it matches the horse better because i HATE the wheel method of mounting and that saddle saved me last night when I teleported right into the faces of an opposing clan high on the Sacrifice Interrupted event. Luckily it was night and I realized those weren’t cultists in SL armor and booked it. They ran to my horse (because it was the only thing visible) and I had some clearance between me and them so the horse caught up to me and I jumped on it and booked it out of there. That wouldn’t have been as pretty if I had to wheel mount the stupid beast.

I took a second look at it… :stuck_out_tongue:
The default saddle is not better, it’s actually worse. So basically it’s a warhorse saddle mobility wise but with 3 times less stamina defense when hit (so not really a warhorse saddle in war scenario).
Sooo yea, it kinda sucks haha (I usually use cavalry ones btw)

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