What’s a good way to get bones I’m playing yog and I accidentally deleted my temple and it took awhile to get all those bones
I’ve hunted most of the crocodiles to Extinction I can’t find any
Kill animals, then use a clever to get the head. Put the heads in the fluid press. Blood and bones
What’s a fluid press?
Thanks but I’m lvl 20 so I can’t use that
There is a heap of bones from the NPCs and chests in the Summoning Place (south of the sinkhole) and the surrounding camps.
Ok thank you for helping
Kill skeletons if you can. Can’t remember which tool gives the most bones… maybe pick or axe.
I’ll test both
Yeah, like others have said; I kill Skeletons glowing or not, and I put heads and carcass in the fluid press. I also use a pick on the skeletons.
Ok will do when I get lvl 28
Definitely the press combined with killing crocs and wack it with the pick axe.
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