Healing Items Still Broken

Game mode: Online Private
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: Any
Region: NA

Healing wraps and extracts still often stop working entirely, the only solution seems to be suicide. Other reports on the subject:


This is not a minor issue, this is game breaking. Why is this so low on your priority list that the feature has been broken for the better part of a year and not even a hotfix has been released?

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Take damage
  2. Use a healing wrap or extract
  3. Roll dice
  4. Wait 8 minutes for the gutted food healing system to restore you instead

Are you using IQoL mod? Because this is not a base game issue but an issue caused by a mod. If you are using IQoL, the current workaround is to roll before using a wrap.

If you are not using IQoL, check your other mods. One of them needs an update.


Ah, crap.

Thanks for telling me, all the googling led me to believe this was an 8 month old problem that hadn’t been fixed and I was intensely irritated, assumed the worst because of Funcom’s track record. Now I feel like a jerk.


This is a problem! We are on xbox and no mods and the exact same thing keeps happening to me. It really is pretty game breaking

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