Healing wraps nor potions working all the time

Game mode: Online Private
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PVE
Region: US

Upon taking any type of damage healing wraps nor potions will work to heal back up. I have tried several different types with no luck. It is hit or miss on when it works and when it doesn’t. Eating still gives the sated buff and does heal over time. There seems to be no consistency on why it works one time but not the next.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Take damage
  2. Try to heal with aloe or wraps
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Are you a female character and using IQoL mod? If so, head to their discord for more details on this issue. One of the possible workarounds was to roll before healing. There might be others.


The server I am on does not use IQoL mod and yes it is a female character. I rolled mid combat and even after and healing still did not work.

Any other mods? There was a big update, maybe one of them is causing the issue.

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I’ve reached out to my admin as well. I figured I would submit it on here in the event that others were having the same or similar issue.

Zraxa is actually one of my players. The mods we’re running on Siptah are:

  1. Pippi - User & Server Management (ID: 880454836)
  2. Fashionist (ID: 1159180273)
  3. Emberlight (ID: 1369802940)
  4. Shadows of Skelos Vol. 2 (ID: 1889798538)
  5. Shadows of Skelos - Extended (ID: 1705201022)
  6. LBPR Additional Features (ID: 1444947329)
  7. Less Building Placement Restrictions (ID: 1369743238)
  8. Unlock Plus with Pickup (ID: 877108545)
  9. Mod Control Panel (ID: 1823412793)
  10. Exiles Compass (ID: 2069411117)

I’ll need to hop on and see if I can duplicate the issue…

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Haven’t been able to duplicate yet. Swapped potions with Zraxa to test (they gave me Concentrate, I gave them Pure Aloe), but it didn’t happen while I was running around with them, so it’s nothing intrinsic to those potion IDs anyway.

Will monitor to see if we can figure out what the trigger conditions are…

FWIW, my character is also female, and we’re not running IQoL. Since I’ve seen instances in the long past where character voice or height can matter, I checked Pippi and Zraxa’s character is of average height using the 2nd voice, whereas mine is short using the 3rd voice.

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Getting it on Dogs Training server too.
Take pot and eat food. take any damage and both healing stops
(using tea and feast of set for stamina)

Damage is supposed to interrupt (and stop) healing from food now, so that’s working as intended. Also, I believe tea is now categorized as food and not as a potion. If you’re having the healing from actual Aloe potions interrupted by damage though, then that is indeed a bug.

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If you mean the tea that was recently added on Dogs training server (Infused Herbal Tea), then this is a modded item. As for the sated buff from the set feast, all sated healing is interrupted by damage.


I’ve encountered this issues with a female character on a private server. wraps and aloe potions failed to provide healing. after i restarted the game, they worked.
I’ve not seen it happen again, so far.

The server does not have iQoL mod.


Maybe some other mods ?
I tried with different new characters, still without mods, and couldn’t reproduce this bug.
I saw other reports where people where claiming they don’t use mods, so not 100%% sure.

But people should post if this affect servers, saves with or without mods, this would greatly help to see clear.

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