Help with map location

Hey everyone, I just spent all morning looking for a location I saw the other day and now can’t find. I’m hoping someone can help me out!

I want to build a small base on top of this black tower I found in the desert. It was a short single tower, like the ones with fire on them near the Tower of Bats but with no fire. It just had a flat square top, with claw bits at the corners. It wasn’t particularly high, but you had to climb it. Problem is I can’t remember which part of the desert it was in and like a third of the map is desert.

Help would be much appreciated! Anyone know what I’m talking about?

Maybe you meant the C-8 corner? It’s a good place, close to the obelisk.

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Yes! That looks like it. I’m pretty sure. Either way it looks good, thanks very much :grin:

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The description also reminded me of the shorter towers near The Imperial Highway and The Slave Road.
@smskcntr did a build video there once.

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Yes that’s it. The shorter ones. Many thanks to both of you :smile:

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