I remember the old hoards (where you got the vanity T1 armor sets) were time limited, they vanished from the itemshop and since then never came back. I really hated it because I love having lots of vanity gear options, T1 armor sets as vanity was a really great addition and I love having T3 armor sets as vanity for different characters.
I haven’t tried out these skin tone changers but I do love the idea to be able to change the skin tone of your character, kinda makes it possible to create a stygian Priest of Mitra or a khitan Barbarian (this was suggested over years already to make something like that possible) -> adds even more customizable options to your character and they are always great and welcomed.
But since the old hoards were removed I still wonder, will the new hoards be removed too? I really don’t like this idea, it takes away so much customizability from your character.
Please consider making things like the skin tone changer (if it really works, as far as I know it seems to be bugged right now) available for normal ingame currency (at the traders that already sell the hair styles, tattoos and hair colors) if you remove the hoards. Or maybe even the Raid Tier armor sets available for the corresponding Raid Tier relics (like for example, 30 or 40 T1 relics for a full T1 vanity set) this would encourage people to do lower raid tiers again.