Leaving momentum aside for a bit, I’d like to offer a suggestion that I think would make using our horses a lot more enjoyable on PC.
We need a separate mouse sensitivity for looking around while mounted, reverting to the normal aiming speed when using a heavy shot from our bow.
We need an option to choose our default steering method: mouselook vs. strafe keys, and a key we can press & hold to temporarily switch to the other steering method. (Block doesn’t seem to be used right now.)
Keyboard steering needs to use the same keybinds the player has set for their own movement; WASD should not be hard-coded as it is now.
Together, these would allow for more natural aiming of the lance, as well as the ability to hold our horse on a course while we quickly glace about for threats or look over our shoulder.
I also found the horse’s movement method horrible, laborious, confusing, and that you need to use 4 fingers and 1 hands on the mouser just to keep it “running smoothly” and extremely tiring and so complex that you have to focus so much in what it is doing in so many buttons that it is pressing that it can not even think where to go, where to shoot anything.
I see very well you aiming the spear with the mouser, and the horse also following the mouser’s direction, it would be so easy to “aim with the mouser” press the “W” and “shift” button and run after the enemy aiming with the mouser and driving with the mouser too, a lot of games are like this I don’t know any game with such a hard mechanics that I with almost 3,000 hours of the game find it impossible to use, imagine people without “ability” to control NPCs.
So far I am riding my horses only as a “decorative novelty,” because riding with them is a TORTURE unless it is in a straight line of desert with no stones in the way.
I am also “claiming” that it is OPTIONAL to drive the horses with the mouser or the keyboard, I believe 99.9% of people will use the directional option with the mouser, even though they are used to doing so in other games like ARK and everyone I know in my long gaming life.