Game mode: [Enter game mode here: | Online private |
Type of issue: [ Hosav’s UI Modification MOD Default settings ]
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvP | PvE]
Region: [EU]
[Not A bug just default settings changed]
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- HI everyone first of all
- My private low rate server have few mods one of them is: Hosav’s UI Modification which affter HOTFIX start to do some weird stuff.
- Affter hotfix all mods were OFF when I enabled them. Hosav’s UI Settings default was SET to disable NPC HP BAR. ( As before it was To Show HP BAR).
- It is not a problem for players who plays at server for a while they figure out the reason and change settings.
- Problem is new people coming to play to server, when they die from mob and they dont see it HP BAR they think (FORK THIS SERVER, it even doesnt show HP BAR and they RAGE QUIT.)
- Maybe There is a way how to set up Hosav’s UI MOD to be as a default that players could see HP Bars ?
- Or if you have any Ideas or suggestions you are wellcome
Thx !