How about holiday events

So will there be holiday events like halloween or Christmas,you could do some great halloween decorations like headstones we can edit,skeleton displays,more stuff for crypts and tombs


The hyborian age was long before any of those holidays so would not fit the game at all.

I’d also rather not have to worry what funcom might bork with extreme prejudice every holiday. The ages are bad enough.


I am not even sure things like Summer/Winter Solstice apply in the Exiled Lands with how zippy the moon is.

I agree with Deacon that Kris Kringle & other holiday figures have no place in a game in the Conan universe, but I also understand why you might be asking about holiday events. After all we’re not Conan characters, we’re game players in the real world.

My thinking is that it’s reasonable for them to add events that happen during real world holidays, so the timing of the events matches when players might have a little extra time to play the game when lots of them take vacation days, but even if that were to happen the events should match the theme of Conan rather than any real life holiday.

There would be nothing wrong with a solstice event or equinox event, as long as they are tailored to work well with a Conan themed game.

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Give me something Saturnaliaesque with booze and tiny gifts to throw at people.

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Unlimited drinking. Check.
The pleasures of the flesh at your beck and call. Check.
Driving your enemies before you with joy in your heart. Check.

Wait a minute… isn’t every day in Conan a Saturnalia? :wink:


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