How about Multiple Beds?

Is there any way to be able to place mutliple beds? I would like to have bedrooms in my castle, but each time I place one it changes the spawn. Or just place all of them and then go back and fix the right bed I want to spawn at??

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You can interact with a bed to change your spawn to it.


They should add the function ARK does, to choose where you want to spawn.

They do. You may spawn in your bed or your bedroll.

You get two choices, use them wisely.


My bad let me elaborate in case you don’t know what Ark allows you to do, if you die and you have multiple bases you can spawn in any of them as long as your clan or you as a player without clan has beds on them, you can also put multiple bedrolls as well but they are a one time use only.

I know how it works. What I said still stands:


Technically there are three choices.
Most recent Bed.
Or Dessert (Exiled Lands)/Beach (Dessert).
The final of the three is a bit random as there are numerous starting points and this one has not discovered the rhyme or reason to which is chosen.

Blood porting (removing the bracelet to suicide and then respawn at home) is already an absurd enough regularity, this one could only imagine how silly it would be if one could spawn at any placed bed.

Maybe a good option for single player mode, like no building restrictions and ignore stability loss.

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One bed and one bedroll is enough. You just need to build transportory stones to your bases so you can freely move between them without the need to die a gruesome death.

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When I saw “multiple beds”, I was thinking of the double bed: Double bed - Official Conan Exiles Wiki

It would have been p2w anyways. But the difference needed is to bound two players instead of only one.

In this game you run a lot to become lazy after. If you have multiple spawns just with beds you’ll be lazy from the very beginning, so it’s really ok as it is when it comes to spawn!
But i don’t think this is the issue of @MaHaBe123. The issue is decoration. I don’t like it either that every time i place a bed or a bedroll i automatically change my spawn point. So i would suggest to interact after placing it if i want to make it a spawn point. This way i would be able to place as many beds i wish for decoration :man_shrugging:. Another reason we need interaction and question if we wish to claim the spawn points is when playing in large clans. Many time accidentally someone in the clan claimed a bed without understanding it and the teammate had no longer spawn point in the base.
There for!
Remove the automatic spawn point at placement.
The interaction must come with a question if you wish to make this bed spawn point.
Allow lock on beds so team mates won’t accidentally claim yours.


Thank you for the insight.

Yes, something explicit will do.

I figure only the last two players to interact with the bed is all what is needed.

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Yes, you nailed it just for decoration. 1 Bed and 1 Bedroll is plenty when you have the Transportory Stone up and working. I just want to fully decorate my mansion.

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