How can I get a agent vanity reward?

I done varies times special misiones and even with 100% sucess chance,no luck to get a vanity bag,not sure what is the problema,I heared from ppl that I need a outstanding result,but not a 100% chance a outstanding result?Confused,any help?Thx.

You’ve already got the answer, you need to get outstanding results to get the vanity reward bags. It’s like getting a crit on the mission - there’s only a small chance of it though.

Some agents have traits which increase the likelihood of getting outstanding results, but there’s not really anything you can do personally. and there’s a piece of agent gear called an Agent Uplink which can also improve your chances.

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Part of the problem with the vanity bags is that the missions only pop infrequently, and they all have high requirements. It’s down to luck whether or not you have an agent with a corresponding trait which gives a higher chance of outstanding success - which is an argument for levelling those agents who have that ability as a priority.

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or petru who gets his bonus on everything. Which is nifty. Also a useful agent for agent droping missions.

Seems there might be a bit of confusion about the 100% shown on the mission and Outstanding chance. They are not the same. The percent displayed is your chance to succeed on a mission in any way. If you succeed, the game then rolls for outstanding or normal success. The chance of that is shown nowhere.

Having a higher percent shown on a mission only gives you a higher chance for outstanding, in the sense that you have a higher chance to not fail the mission entirely.

I believe it’s just a single roll to determine which result you get and not a roll for success and then a roll for outstanding.

It’s also worth noting that the additional bonus from an agent/gear will increase your chance of an outstanding result, but it’s still not a sure thing.

For example, if you have a 10% chance of outstanding normally, then the agent bonus may increase that to 15%, but you’re still going to get a lot of non-outstanding results in all probability. (WARNING: these numbers are demonstrative only and may not be even close to the real % chance!)

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Yeah the actual chance of outstanding vanity rewards on ones where you have 100% success chance is a little under 5% (so, up to like 8-9% with Petru and item). iirc petru’s 4% and the item’s 0.5/1/2% at quality ranges