How does Conan run on PS4 Pro?

I love this game to no end, but I am a little frustrated that I need to limit myself base-wise, due to normal
PS4 having trouble running this smoothly.
I am totally annoying with this I realize haha, but I need to limit lights and placables because the PS4 goes nuts with the fan inside my base.

I do have to say, this has not actually caused any problems; no crashes or anything. There is lag and late sounds but that is everywhere in game.
I am just afraid it is using up my console faster than it should, and I would like if I could decorate how I want.

So I want to know the overall experience with Conan that PS4 Pro users have? How does it work out for you?

It works fine here. It cooks when dealing with lots of fire, so Funcom could downgrade the visual aspect of multiple fires. Let’s say you set one jar out and ignite it. It’ll handle it just fine. If you set out 15 jars and ignite them all, the ps4 pro can handle it but you can hear the fan.

Visually, the scene doesn’t need to show the detail mashup of all 15 fires. It could be smarter, detecting nearby fires, and just merge it all into one big fire.

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