Sadly, they wont answer you with numbers. Just there are “some” who work on AoC.
But most of them are sharing their job with other live games.
What I would like to see is to “port” more from Conan Exiles. It has been proven it is possible so they dont need to create new assets, just import those already used in CE.
Also the soundtrack - at least the new tracks from Knut in CE would be nice for the “new content” coming to AoC ( wink @AndyB ).
Lets see what answer we get here and also in the second q 2019 financials (if any).
I didn’t think it was possible to straight port over assets from CE to AoC. I thought they actually had to re-create them. For things like that vanity armor set, there may have been some part of it that could be re-used and not created from scratch, but it isn’t as simple as a copy / paste = new content.
At this point in time I doubt there are any GMs or Developers who work full-time on AoC.
The GMs share their attention between all of Funcom’s games, so a sudden increase of petitions over in Conan Exiles would spill over and cause delays here too.
Similar with developers - probably none whose primary job is to work on AoC, but some who do work on AoC when needed - needed in the view of management that is.