How many players are actually on official servers?

Official Server Hater #1.

I don’t play on Officials but I will give you 10000 reasons why I hate them.

They are blah blah blah and blah blah blah. I don’t know anything about them, but I think I do.

Keep on hating Hater!

It’s extremely obvious when the Official Server haters showed up and started changing the narrative.

I am not going to act like I know anything about Private servers, because I don’t. That’s not me.

Meanwhile if we are keeping track @Alexandria the #’s on both servers have gone up.

The IoS server has seen roughly 8 new players this past week.

The EL server has seen roughly 15 new players this past week.

I’d expect it to fluctuate with the decrease in Decay(was reduced today back down to 240). And as AoH approaches I definitely anticipate increased #’s.

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