How to legally correct keep theme park builders away without becoming one?

On a pve-c server one of my neighbors builds everywhere and boasts to have 25 vaults filled with costumes for his thralls. I do know he will build around me and further on, as he did with others before. So I built a road to nearest no-build zone and placed pillars around my new base, so he can’t build anything right next to it.

Now a friends of mine were temporary banned on report of a proud owner of shoebox size sandstone house, built last week near their castle. They surrounded their castle with foundations for the same reason I did. They been told it would be OK if they built a walls, not a simple foundations.

So, to keep next half dozen of Taj Mahals away from one’s house, must everyone build their own theme parks or chinese great walls around themselves?

Can I build a 2x2 sandstone house near other’s theme parks and report they are blocking my construction?

My vision of solution - this game needs limit on area occupied by buildings blocks. Without limit it is like a House Flipper with infinite money to those few who enjoy building until map’s edge reached.


I can understand your frustration. Still it doesn’t really matter on pve how big is your construction, unless it causes lags and performance issues. So building more because the other build to much is not a solution. Report, because someone build too much, is not a proper behavior. It is pve, the constructions must be first of all ‘BEAUTIFUL’. No matter how big, beautiful constructions is fixing the environment of the server.
Second, the constructions must NOT destroy various spawn areas and boss spawns.
Third use the less number of guards possible. The greatest reason of lags and performance issues is the 100 animals guarding around the builds. In my server, there is a clan of 5 persons and i cannot count how many pets and followers they have. They even have thralls ‘parked’ next to bosses, destroying your experience of killing a boss.
What i am trying to say is that you will found a lot of things that you don’t like in the servers, but who is judging our selves? Do we really play right? So learn to adjust and to share, follow the rules and let the time to do the work, but most of all, build only what you need and play the game, because building is just a part of this game :wink:.

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There is no way to correct them at the moment, for what they do is not against the rules, even if it does affect other players experience to play and their share of fun.

There are some arguments defending the current freedom to build but, as always, this freedom should ends when the other person freedom begins. Sadly this is not the case, there has been many reports arguing against the excesive building and how it affects their experience negatively.

If they make hard cap to limit building that would avoid many things but would come very hard for others that enjoy building and are not depriving others of their fun.
If they introduce an upkeep cost system would be a better solution for this would not stop them from trying to build more, but it would cost them more. There could be free space, enough to build a big base but after certain land claimed the upkeep would beggin for those building pieces outside the “free zone”.

There are many problems related to the building freedom and i think its necesary to change that.


This is for master builder type of server, regrettably absent in here. No matter how beautiful whatever you build it is inert and useless for all other players. This is cancer of PVE gameplay.

Other way could be making a Purge’s force proportional to a number of blocks or legendaries stashed inside, but it is complex and probably expensive for server side to calculate. I do not hope anything like this will be implemented, so I vote for realistic solution.

My vision of a solution: communicate with other people. Discuss the ways you like to play the game and try to agree to a set of rules on your server. Play with other people, not against them. Treat them with respect rather than hostility, and you have a chance to be treated similarly in return.

If other people playing the game bother you, play Single-Player. That’s what I do, and I’m happy.


To be honest, because i play all the options of this game pve to pvp, officials and private, yes, too much building is causing problems to the performance of the game. This is true, but the greatest problem is not the great build, the greatest problem is us, you and me and all the others. If you want to be better and to play in better servers then first we have to give the good example, speak with the teammates we have in our server, help each other and play fair. Stop measuring d… s and play in a normal and healthy competition. I do agree that great clans are cancers in the game, they act like the own the server, but do you know what is the answer to this problem? Leave them alone in this server, to have nobody to fight and hope that they will understand their mistake. Because playing in an empty server, is the greatest punishment. All this time, all i do is farm and offer, believe me even now 2 years after, nothing ever is enough. I give spinas, legendary tools, weapons and armors to new players and still they were not satisfied :man_shrugging:. Still my part was done :wink:.

I still think that real atmospheric cataclisms that really damages structures should be the answer.
Even in PVE-c the surviving against the wilderness of the Nature should be the first thing (unless you want to really turn Conan into Minecraft).
So tornados, blizzards… you name it. they came , they damage (destroy) buildings and you always have to repair that.
That would make necessary to repair rather than to “add”.
Of course this thing should be regulated in a specific way (low tiers building get destroyed very easily and fast rather than higher tier building pieces).
But… you get what I’m saying.


Well, thanks everyone for sharing their opinions.

It is proven by year of experiments, that negotiation with theme park builders is not effective. They see the meaning of their existance in expanding their theme parks. Surgery and chemistry, if applied on early stages, are more effective.
Theme parks are cancer of PVE and have to be eradicated.

Exactly. Environment is almost passive and static, especially after introductions of rubber leashes to tether mobs to their spawn points. We have only sandstorm, which is danger at first day of character’s life, and Purge, which more a treat, that a threat. Theme parks replace it with inert indestructible “beautiful” decorations like housing for imaginary friends or arabian nights bazaar.

Well, I believe we have to invoke name of @Ignasi if we are to pray for official comment on this problem, aren’t we? To save the time I will repeat initial question - how can we legally correct keep theme park builders away from our doorstep, if placing a pillars and foundations around is frowned upon? Because building useless decorations instead of pillars will be just another one theme park.

For my friends who do not like to visit forums or are in waiting for changes to come this answer will be very interesting.


The only way (feasible) for those glorious super big builders is to confine their works to a private server or in their own solo game. Keep them away from officials.

So, to make a long story short … there is no way to stop them from ruining your experiences on official servers.
That forces the choice on you. Which way are you going to go? Solo or private.

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Assasin’s Creed Valhalla i will go!!!

There are other options, introducing this problem to the attention of administration is one of those. Private servers or solo are not an option. Beside megalomaniac idiots you can meet decent people on official servers.

“Big castle” is something functional.
“Theme parks” are cancer of ever growing non-functioning in this game buildings like village of dozens of empty houses (for imaginary clanmates I guess), colosseums (where nobody ever fights), dance schools and whorehouses, taverns and spaceship landings to meet their reptiloid masters, and other junk for several render distances in each direction.

If environment was as it is promised by “survival game” tag theme parks would have perished on it’s own.

I must admit that going to private servers has it’s drawbacks.
But, I’m certain there are a few who lend themselves to “purist”, more lore friendly ideals.
I wouldn’t be happy at gazing upon “theme park” builds spread across the map with no space for me to utilize, especially if it isn’t tied into the lore. But to each their own. Personally, I try to keep mine minimalist where possible. Then again, I rent a server and also play solo in both cases without mods and using custom settings. At least that’s enjoyable for me until I become bored.
If I need inspiration, I’ll look into R.E. Howard or watch the movies.
I use to build “big”, but I don’t see much enjoyment in it anymore. Too much wasted space and NPCs that are just a notch above lifeless drones that need a lot of work (scripting wise anyway).

I’ve read what seems to be enough posts of folks expressing their disappointment on officials for various reasons. Theme parks being one of them, but not the most egregious of annoyances.
At least in solo play, you play it your way with your own rules using your preferred settings. The difficulty (if it arises) is avoiding the “admin cheat” option at your disposal.
I can relate with the “need” to be around people, but I have my limits as to how much I’m willing to “cope” with for the sake of comraderie (sp).
I think attempting to persuade FC to take “remedial” actions on a server (including multiple servers) is akin to beating your fist against a stone wall. Good luck with that. I understand your need to vent.
I hope you find what you’re looking for.

No, they aren’t. You might argue that people who build too big and without consideration are “a cancer of PVE”. But “theme parks” aren’t.

What’s your definition of “beautiful”? More importantly, what’s the difference between your own indestructible base and a “theme park”?

Maybe placing useless pillars and foundations around your base is frowned upon and building useless decorations isn’t precisely because Funcom doesn’t share your bias about “theme parks”.

I agree that the game needs some kind of a system that acts as a counterweight for building on official servers, such as an upkeep system. And that’s a point that could be argued without unnecessarily forcing your own aesthetic standards – or your goals in a sandbox game – on everyone else.


Surely you noticed quotes around this word - it is not about me tagging anything as beautiful or otherwise.
My base is functional, prepared to the Purge I want and no part is built for purely aesthetics. If you show me your base I will show you mine in PM, because discussing anyone’s base in details will derail into offtopic

It is theme park builders who force their aestehtic on other players, who have to ride half of biom, to reach regions with mobs and resources spawn.

I wish they mentioned reason WHY would anyone need to build a castle, not a reptiloid’s spaceports for example. Somehow in a survival sandbox in univers of Conan the Barbarian most adapting species are Barbies the Constructors.

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Well that’s how they play, maybe for them, those taking the game too seriously are the G.I. Joe barbarian “species” and find it pointless and boring… they enjoy the game diferently.

This game is amazing for those who are creative, like a child playing with legos, players immerse in their buildings and create amazing things, that they enjoy. The problem is that they won’t limit themselves, i wish that was not a problem, but it is in offical servers, you come and see great buildings everywhere, others not so great, but then you ask yourself where can i build without this guys invading? everywhere you look there is a huge tower with thralls dancing around it and sandstone foundations taking space to avoid others to build nearby and block their neverending expansion, then you never see those guys, they are never online, they only come once a week for 5 minutes to refresh the decay timers so their buildings (that they don’t use anymore, by the way) don’t disapear. There are also those who just claim land to annoy other players with wacky and ill placed foundations, if those servers had an active moderator they wouldn’t exist for too long, but that’s not the reallity, what we have on officials is absolute freedom, and without a “perfect society” that means that some players will abuse that freedom for themselves. In PvP is not really a problem since you can actually try to do something, but in PvE scenarios is impossible to get rid of those players, that harm the rest with their spam, or simply doesn’t care for the other players aside from giving them their scraps.

Theme parks are not the problem, unlimited building posibilities and no drawbacks from having a big base(s) are the problem since they dont have a reason to stop placing foundations, there is no incentive to have a smaller place for a single person and also, there isn’t much to do aside from building bases in PvE.


Yes, I noticed the quotes. But you brought it up as if it was relevant.

You’re the one who made “theme parks” a central point in your topic. Like I said, you could’ve made it about the abuses of the building system – e.g. building too big or too close – but you insist on making it about “theme parks”. I don’t see how examining your notions of form vs. function would be off-topic.

You claim that your base is functional, but you don’t explain what you consider functional, beyond saying that “no part is built purely for aesthetics”, which is something that can be interpreted in different ways and applied to different degrees.

Since you don’t want to discuss your base in public, feel free to take a look at mine in its current incarnation on the officials. I consider my base functional, too, but it has many elements that are built for aesthetic purposes.

The function of each of the six shrine towers is to house the T3 shrine for a particular deity and to contain the storage chests loosely associated with that deity. For example, I have chests holding booze and entertainer thralls in the Derketo tower, chests containing crafting supplies and crafter thralls in the Mitra tower, chests containing weapons and armor and fighter thralls in the Ymir tower, etc.

The main function of the central compound is to house all the crafting stations I need, my own bedroom where I’ll respawn after dying, and the map room.

The main function of the courtyard is to hold the big placeables like the taming pen, the greater wheel, and the large well with fish traps.

There’s a certain amount of room allocated for future growth, so that I don’t need to expand the base when Funcom adds more stuff – like when they added mounts and I had enough space to plop down the stables.

That’s a quick review of the functional aspect of my base. As you can see, everything has a function, but that doesn’t mean no part of it is built for aesthetic purposes. For example, the courtyard had to be big enough to house the animal taming pen, so why not use the size of the courtyard to make some nice looking arches? The map room could have been right on top of my bedroom, but why not make it high enough that I can enjoy the view from the top? The “council room” is completely unnecessary, but it only adds some verticality, so it doesn’t affect the footprint. Likewise, the “great hall” is just for aesthetics, but it doesn’t affect the footprint, since the crafting stations take up that space anyway on the floors above.

So again, is that a theme park? Is that a functional base? Or is there some middle ground? Does it even matter?

And that’s just a base. What about building an arena where people can have jousting bouts and other players can stand in the spectator gallery and watch the fight? What about building a menagerie to house your pets, so you can keep them there when you’re not taking them with you to fight? Are those theme parks? Are they functional? Are they both/neither? Does it really matter?

No theme park builder is forcing you to adhere to their aesthetic standards, the way you’re trying to force other players to adhere to yours, by lobbying Funcom for a change against “theme parks”.

Building something other people have to see when they walk by and forcing people to build a certain way are two very different proposals.

I agree wholeheartedly that official servers should have rules and limits. I disagree vehemently that those rules and limits should have anything to do with the aesthetics. Feel free to provide arguments to the contrary.

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It’s hardly surprising that it’s the creative people who get creative with the tools they get. You may attach any mocking labels you wish upon them, but I still wouldn’t want to take away the creativity from the building system simply because immersion-wise, building defensible buildings in defensible positions would make the most sense.

I mean, I built THIS (with a few mods, of course) in my Single-Player. I can assure you, it serves no practical purpose whatsoever.


And, as usual, you take a tiny bit of my wall of text out of context to nitpick it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, we are surprisingly unanimous in what a proper castle should contain within it’s walls. I will post my shelter there later and some theme parks here, too busy right now IRL.

Forcing people not to build certain way, rather than what you said.

Whatever one builds in single-player mode is irrelevant to this topic.

No, it isn’t, because the game follows the same rules and logic, whether you play on PvP, PvE, or Single-Player. Whatever restrictions to building you suggest will apply to all game modes, unless they’re made into server settings. And because Single-Players aren’t usually asking for restrictions, they tend to be neglected and ignored in these discussions (like you just did).

So someone has to remind the world, Funcom, and you, that Single-Players exist and play this game without bothering anyone, and that our gameplay would be seriously hurt by restrictions designed for the purposes and needs of official servers.