How was I raided when still locked behind foundations?

I logged in and found my character stripped of all armour and weapons but I had locked myself behind 2 foundations. When I logged in 1 of them was still in place, so still no access to my character from outside. Its like someone teleported into my hideout without using explosives on the foundations I was behind, took my stuff and teleported back out. This isn’t the first time either. Is this a glitch or is someone able to exploit something to get into sealed chambers, raid then get out again without damaging the chamber?

If you have windows people can reach through them. If you were just behind 2 foundations people may walk around or climb over :wink: :point_right:

Sorry. Let me rephrase that. I was behind 2 LAYERS of foundation with ceiling still intact. No windows or ANY other access to my character except “walking through walls”.

check event log. see if anyone looted your body. IF so, screen shot it. Are you built on foundations or directly on the ground. their are instances (not that it happened here) where players figure out ways to get under map. They can access as they travel it there if you don’t place foundations as your floor.


Happened to me aswell twice on official PVP.

They say there is a way to see and loot through foundations/walls with first person view and some weapons.
Funcom won’t do a thing without proof, so you may need to film them doing the deed… which is very IMPROBABLE.
So your best course of action is to get revenge in time. (last time i posted complaining and asking how, they deleted the thread)

This happened to me too and people said it wasn’t possible but then one day I found the guy who was killing me. His body was inside my base where one of my thralls had killed him. I was in a cave that had no holes.I searched every square inch of it and could find no way for them to get in. My body was clear up on the cave wall so it’s not like they reached through wall pieces; my walls are made out of foundations 3 thick anyways.

Or alternatively, if the character died to some freak occurrence such as sandstorm (shelter tends to act a bit unreliably, although being completely walled in should grant 100 % shelter) or temperature and the corpse/loot decayed.

As has been stated, your first review should be the event log. That will let you know what happened and who did it.

I suspect you died of thirst/hunger/temp, dropped everything on death and, less than 20 minutes later, it all decayed.

Let us know what the logs say.

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