Huge quantitys of stuff dissapear overnight

PvE Server 1021 Official
Lots Lots Lots off stuff dissapear overnight. Benches, T4 working thralls, pillars, ceilings, compostbins, all content (well above 1000 items)
PVE Server 1021 Official EU

Parts of my second floor & third floor of my base just keep dissapering, while till today it was mostly the upper floor where i was working and blame it to instability so i builded pillar’s and walls all around. The walls are there, pillars are there, even fighting thralls i put are there (bear in mind i always check decay time with my hammer) 144hours all the time… I came back today to find 3/4 of my upper floor (ceiling parts), 2/4 of my second floor gone (cealings, all the walls are there), a bunch of working benches gone (not only new ones but even those i had putted a few days ago, there walls, floors and ceilings still intact). With them all the T4 named thralls are gone.

This is not a little bug, this is a freaking major bug. The server has been acting funny for a week but this is major. This is a few hunderd hours of gathering lost. This must be adress in a proper way or i will take appropiate steps to be compesated. I accept bugs but this is not a bug.

Rollback to last night CET 10:00 and see for yourself. If you cant or would not then i know what i have to do.

And yes nothing in the event log, no decay crap, no instability crap, have restarted a few times, have reloaded the chunck a few times, this is something very different (bad programming? crappy server? doesnt matter. Wat you are willing to do about it, is…


…nothing, obviously
Don’t worry, they are probably very sorry this had happened.

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Update: It happens each day on server restart. Half my base just dissapears, benches are gone, floors, walls, very random), stuff hanging on the walls, thralls floating or falling to their death…

Important detail: I am building at Klaels stronghold near Sepermeru. NO building limitations but there is something on the server restart that wipes the upper floors (my main floor with vaults remains pristine).

They should do something about because this problaby falls under malpractice… No one has the right in Europe to sell crap, or they are responsible for it (Repair or compensate, nothing more between in European law).

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If you want to sue them, I’d gladly see it. I want this game to do well, but so far I have seen nothing to indicate any positive changes. Funcom released an incomplete game and don’t seem to be able to or want to fix it. They can talk all they want on dev streams, of course damage control is something they’re trying to do. But so fark it’s all talk, they don’t have anything going for them. The last patch didn’t fix anything, just introduced new bugs. If I knew how this game looked like, I’d probably sooner opt for No Man’s Sky instead of that

Not to mention the official servers are so damn laggy. Maybe I could suffer some bugs, but I have both lag and bugs, which is really a killer combo. It’s a wonder I played this game as much as I did.

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