I can see the writing on the wall

What we are trying to do is save players from leaving the game. Alpha clans and their 1000000000 explovises are freaken ruining the game( pvp official servers) for casual players. That means more leave the servers and less money for the Devs. Heck, least lessen the explosive damage by least 50%!!! PvP-c is not working with all the toxic wall builders and PvP is also a failure do it it is just alpha clans wiping other bases from the servers, with unlimited explosives, and emptying the servers of players
not good business sence?

And then there are people who wouldn’t mind losing some of their stuff, including some of their buildings, as long as they don’t get wiped clean off the map because they didn’t want to devote all of their free time each day to something that’s supposed to be a game and not a job :wink:

The lesson we learn here is that the PVE mode was added on as an afterthought, due to popular demand, and the devs never got around to making it work properly.

There are several ways this can be balanced out – or at least mitigated – but I’m not holding my breath.

The complaints are perfectly valid. It’s your interpretation of those complaints that creates the contradiction you’re pointing out. And just like in math, if your proof ends up in a contradiction, then your assumption doesn’t hold :wink:

This may be referring to one poster. It is okay for mulitple people to have a view on either side, but if one person wants extra protection, but at the same time easier way to destroy enemy, then yeah, contradiction. And selfish tbh. I for one think damage on eithr side is fine, it is the economy (my pet peeve lol) that is broken. Just make anything that does damage (gas, fire,acid) and steel fire have about 1 week decay timers, and can’t be put in ice box to perma frost them. That would lesson the wiping, and make raiding way more strategic. And for weapons and Armor, make them non scoop-able, but with 1/4th the durability. This would make one use repair kits and resources, and allow a newer clan a leg to stand on against a 1+ year clan on a server. The raid game is far to all or nothing, and not enough gray area to allow for engaging warfare when one is raided. Being able to farm and hoard infinite mats has hurt the PVP server way more than Funcom understands, and thus most people who casually play pvp modes on any game are totally turned off. And rewaring few player who play 8+ hours a day as a business model makes no sense, as Funcom does not make money per hour 1 player plays, but per player (thru DLC purchases, buying the game, etc.).

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Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I agree with both of you that simply asking for “my stuff” to be harder to destroy and “their shіt” to be easier to destroy is selfish and contradictory.

What I was trying to say is that if you interpret the complaints that way and they come out contradictory, then maybe the interpretation is off the mark.

Sounds like it’s not about the ease of destruction – or at least not only about that – but rather the time investment required.

One thing I will always remember was the goal Tom Leonard had for the (sadly cancelled) game we were making at AGS. To paraphrase, because I don’t remember the actual words verbatim, he wanted the game to be “a party, not an appointment”.

This is one of the things that bother me about PVP mode in Conan Exiles and why I stayed away from it even before I heard that it was a cesspool of cheaters. It used to bother me about the Purge back when my clanmates played actively.

I bought Conan Exiles to enjoy it, not to be stressed out because I had to go to my son’s concert and I can’t be there to “do my duty” in a freaking game.

There are many ways to mitigate or even outright solve this. Until at least one of those measures is in place or until I completely quit the game, I’ll stay away from PVP and I’ll keep complaining about how PVE and PVE-C are vulnerable to toxic trolling. :man_shrugging:


Perfectly put. Hopefully Funcom wants that as well.


Yes, something like that. I like the lines you drew more than straight lines between obelisks, because your lines wouldn’t blow up my bases. Perhaps making one additional line from the Unnamed City to the Mounds would be in order so as to stop walling off the Shattered Springs, which seems to cause a lot of hard feelings.

I’d buy your version.

(I still want to build a mineral spa at the Shattered Springs.)


Most likely it is some of your stuff. Good raiders are economic and usually dont level bases flat (tip: open structures get rarely bombed - just unhinge doors). Sometimes engagements can get a bit heated, though. Nobody donates all their time
 well maybe some do. The point is if it is PvP there will be damage. In my experience most damage is acutally done by the purges on official servers and these flatten bases quite frequently - not those of experienced players but of new players, of course. Its not like we sit on the fences from 17 to 23 o’clock and even if we would
 how big would a raider band be? How many guarding players would it need?

A considerable portion players i encountered don’t understand how purges (or decay or even meteors) work, dont read logs at all, build “unraidable” bases and then wonder why it got destroyed inside out and imedantely start accusing each other of cheating.

Raiders are insofar at a disadvantage that they really hate it to waste a considerable ammount of bombs on hardened structures like a triple door T3 construction wrapped around a vault only to find it empty (or a note reading: “sorry”). How often do you think they would attack?

Yes, this can be irritating as playing with others often can be to people. It is PvP with destructable assets. As you said: not a problem on PvE servers, then, however you start running into
 problems. If one doesnt want to “babysit” a base - well fine, but that is then true for ALL players. And you can play the game perfectly fine with a clan in teamwork on a private server or even in single player offline - all valid choices, but i keep repeating myself. I don’t think there is a way to make PvE “proper” unless you take destruction mechanics completely out of the hands of players and beef NPCs accordingly. The again
 you would have to “babysit” your base again, it doesnt really matter what is destroying the base, i guess.

Destructable means “babysitting”.
Indestructable means “no way through it”.


I like the idea of decaying explosives as for godtokens - not to be frozen in a refrigator, so these can’t be stocked forever discouraging new players. To keep the playingfield level to newcomers is the correct approach, i think. And on a PvE server that is simply near-impossible without the structures being assaulted constantly.

And you can be 4 sure, there will be some bored clan or even 1 guy, who will make foundation/wall spams left and right of this street

So you can run around the whole map, between obs and thats it.

Again, thats just band aid fixing or trying it. Moderated servers is the only right solution. As I said, this is also the reason private servers “work” or dont have that much “toxity” (besides from admin power abusers) with buildings and/or to much thrall.

If a server has not a dense population, a higher thrall limit would be fine. Do you have a server, where everyday you have 40 players, the original 55+5 for each clanmate limit seems fine (for getting rid of server problems).

I am currently sitting at 80 leveled thralls (well, only 15 are at 20, 50 are at 10 and some between 1-5 - its a nightmare to lvl them at PvE only).

With the “original limit”, I will only be allowed to have 75 (but I have 5 legacy animals from starting time), as my clan has/had 4 members.

That is a bit extreme nit picking. same as saying that people speed, so there should be no traffic tickets, and everyone can go 100 mph thru neighbor hoods.

To do what you state, one would have to build up the sides of mountains, thru NPC camps, as well as thru others bases that will be aligned along it
yeah, a simple coded brush stroke along paths similar to the ones i drew would suffice to minimize if not entirely remove the wall off troll mechanic.

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It’s theoretically possible, but practically infeasible. The road passes through the Unnamed City. The amount of work it would require to wall in all of the Unnamed City is staggering. Yes, it’s possible, but I’ve yet to see anyone do it.


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