While going through all the armor sets I have amassed over the many years. I always thought it was odd how most of the armor sets could be traced back to a certain race. Yet the blood and sand ones couldn’t. Well, that is no longer true.
Let’s take a closer look at the Assassin armor. For some reason, it has black orbs all over it. If you look at the mask, it’s of some kind of creature. If you look even closer, there are looped lines all over it. Now fast forward until the Isle of Siptah came out.
We were given a new avatar. That avatar was the spider Zath. If you look at the Zath alter, it has black spider eggs that look like black orbs. Not only that, you can craft black spider orbs on the alter.
If you know the lore about the Zath god, it was worshipped by the Zamorians.
Now back to the armor. Those looped lines are spider webs all over it; the black orbs are spider eggs; and the mask is the Zath spider’s face. With this being assassin armor, it is only right that it deals with something that can poison and kill, such as a spider. With everything put together, the armor is Zamorian Zath Assassin armor.
If you think about it with the fact that the DLC came out before Siptah, could it have been a funcoms way of hinting at the fact they were thinking of bringing out the Zath god? With so many busy with the other DLCs and new things, this could easily be missed.
We all know how Funcom likes their secrets. lol
Also, if you add the ancent daggers, ancent bow, or the bow twice apon an arrow, they go great with the set as if they were meant for it, and it makes a great sorceror’s armor look also.
As for the other sets the Guardian Armor is a an Aesir set and the Bear Shaman armor is a pictish armor that took place after they were introduced to smelting metals by an outsider and why it has metal on it.