I understand the reason for the existence of prohibited areas to build in online mode, but what’s the point of limiting the build in single player mode. I do not get it.
I usually build an elevator in the sinkhole because that way it is easier to access the dragon or stairs at the obelisk in the Mounts of the Dead. This is not possible anymore. I have the feeling funcom use the same solution for all game modes (single player, online -pve, pvec, pvp). In my opnion it is a complete mistake. Each game mode, demands specific solutions. If I play offline, I don’t need any kind of limitation, just let me build wherever I want.
I would love if they reconsider their decision to limit construction zones in offline mode.
On my server I have a map room near the undead dragon and a elevator going down refreshed it this weekend. In single player you might be able to adjust building radius to help. On a private server it needs done at startup not sure about offline.
I thought it was great that we can build on solo game. As I move what I built onto an official server, you can’t tell if the build fits or not due to no build zones. If it comes up not-green when in build mode, forget it. Too much time wasted in solo to find out it’s not going fit after rebuilding.
Fellow Offline Singleplayer here Bertuh. It was certainly a strange decision from a design perpective. These restrictions came with changes to the building system which included an anti-undermeshing feature, the inability to build beyond the green Cursed Wall, and the creation of new no building zones around many landmarks, in addition to the expansion of existing no build zones, and they were designed to combat cheating and griefing on official servers. But it remains unclear why these changes were ever applied to Singleplayer mode, and to the best of my recollection we have not been given reasons as to why from Funcom. But like yourself, I cannot understand why these changes were forced upon Singleplayers, and for that matter private server admins too. Perhaps it was merely an unfortunate oversight and they did not consider Singleplayer mode when designing it. Or it could be that it was difficult or impossible to apply the changes to one mode of play but not the other. But I do know that the impact these changes have had on Singleplayer mode, and private servers to I would imagine, have been profoundly negative, and I simply cannot overstate this. It is so invasive and overbearing. I know how serious it is to say this, so I do not do so lightly, but this was probably the worst change to Singleplayer mode since the Momentum Movement update, probably worse. But one thing is for certain; it takes away a hell of a lot of creativity, freedom and above that, fun from Singleplayer mode.
Bertuh I started a thread a while ago which documents the issues it has created for myself and other members here on the forum. You are welcome to have a read if you would like. But moreover, I would strongly encourage you to leave your feedback and experiences there so that they may be more visible to the devs. While Ignasi informed that it was unlikely they could remove these new restrictions from Singleplayer mode without breaking the game, he did also advise me to check back after a reasonable period of time had elapsed. So we never know our luck.
No, it is that (from where I have surveyed), the entire Sinkhole. This is not just an elevator placement related issue, it was made unbuildable with the anti-undermeshing feature. The original post further clarifies this in saying:
It has however been sometime since I attempted to build up the top near the Obelisk, and perhaps I tried to place it too close at the time, or perhaps I have just remembered incorrectly. But then I used to build, by that I usually mean place a Bedroll, down on the lower level down near the Undead Dragon. Which I realised is still a no go since the restrictions.
But further elaboration and concession aside, I would still argue that the OP was not concerned solely with elevator placement at the Sinkhole, ie-one specific location, but also the building restrictions designed for online modes being implemented into Singleplayer mode more generally.
That may be so. I don’t really have anything to say about the actual no-build zones. If it is possible to disable them for singleplayer, I’d support that.
However, the thing blocking putting an elevator into the Sinkhole is the elevator bug and is exclusive to singleplayer. I currently have two elevators going down into the sinkhole on my official server.
That is kind of you to say. Thankyou very much for your support.
To be quite honest I had never even thought of that before. And even had I of thought of it this time yesterday, my immediate counter thought would have likely been, ‘nah, the beast down the bottom would likely smash it during our battles’. Cool idea.
These are my elevators on my official server. You can see why I have two.
I got the perfect alignment that these require to do what they do by complete accident. I have no idea how hard it would be to build this system intentionally, but I don’t imagine it would be very easy.
I tried expanding the base (outpost) near to the temple of frost, but it’s no longer possible. I cannot place a single foundation. I tried to modify the stairs that connect to the obelisk at the mounts of the dead, but it is no longer possible. I tried to put some fish traps near the Cimmerian villages but it is no longer possible, that’s what i was talking about.
Places where you were allowed to build, today are no longer possible.
Yeah, they tightened things up because players weren’t figuring it out on their own like should have been. So now it’s baked into the map - which carries over to dedicated & private servers as well as campaign and single player. Kinda sad…
There’s likely a mod that will open it back up though? Maybe this:
Yeah it is a bad feeling isn’t it Bertuh. I am so sorry to hear you are having these problems. And that is exactly what myself and some 12-14 other members have been reporting in the thread link I posted above. I have found that the entire western wing of my black ice manor is now unbuildable, and the building pieces are now showing up as ‘unowned’. Other people have reported uninteractable thralls and everything else in between. That is to say nothing of how much of a fight it has become trying to place a Bedroll near a location, or a structure such an Animal Pen. It would be great if Funcom could add the PCs ‘fewer building restrictions’ setting to consoles as an Admin Setting, or devise a way to switch it off. And I feel that the no build radius around some of these places is pretty excessive. A 10 foundation no build space right around an Exiles bonfire on the River biome!? Bah. Again feel free to leave your experiences with it in the thread Bertuh, but no obligation of course.
Agreed. This has been a huge pain in the rear when I do play single-player (offline)
I understand why they did it, and I guess it was necessary for the online gamers (I have to say I was relieved not to have building near obelisks in my PvP / PVE-C game) , but the fact it also affects the single-player offline game is frustrating to say the least.
Even simple things like putting a bed-roll down or leaving a thrall near where you are becomes a bit of a hassle.