I’m not trying to attack, I’m just trying to wrap my head around this.
So here is an image showing the result of being falsely mass-reported and the recent bans resulting from the crom coin bug.
My question or questions are, why does the Crom coin bug show user accounts being held hostage?
Having been mass reported I still had access to single player, so I could still enjoy the pve content while waiting for responses. I don’t believe it is fair to hold a user hostage like this while they wait for judgment for something they have no control over.
Why are users denied access to the game and in-game purchases?
I enjoyed the bazaar for a time and the battle pass, but from time to time the game fails to load in telling me we are not entitled to the content we paid for.
Why are users not allowed to disable online features and play offline?
I enjoyed the bazaar for a time, but I don’t want to look at it or the battle pass sometimes. I just want to disable these features and play offline some days as I feel I have had enough.
I didn’t mind the bazaar or the battle pass feature. But after chapter 3 dropped and I first saw that ban screen, I no longer feel ok with buying anything from it.
I would love to know the reasoning behind it, but I feel like my questions will simply be deleted or forgotten.
I guess we shall see what happens.