I leave my cla on the Official Server and all my buildings and itens stayed in the cla without any player on it

I had a clan and was playing on Official Server PVE #1976 with my Steam account
do not own this


Bought Conan on Epic Games and add my new character on the cla as cla leader using my steam character
with my steam character i leave the clan but i notice in my epic character that it was showing that his rank is recruit in the cla tab
i could use all the commads of a cla leader but change the name or my rank
As the only player in the cla i decided to leave the cla so everything was become mine and i could recreate the cla without the bug but the cla still there empty with all my buildings, pet, itens and etc…
The most important thing is my cattle pass itens that i just endded farm and was in a chest so all the money i spent on the battle pass was for nothing

Unfortunately this is how it works…
Once you join a clan every item you own will get assigned to the clan instead of your character. So as soon as you join, you no longer own anything, everything is owned by the clan instead.

Which means that if you leve the clan, then the clan will still remain the owner of every asset, but you will lose access to them since you are no longer a member of that clan.

This has been used quite often to trick new players into joining clans, then kicking them only to take over all their stuff.

However, to add some feedback of mine to your report to Funcom: I think it would be nice that when a clan only has 1 member left, the option would become available to dismiss the clan and reclaim ownership of all assets on the character.

On a different note… “cla” and “cattle pass” got me :slight_smile:


Man read the report!
I was the only member on the cla! The cla was mine!
your reply isn’t about the same subject!

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Yes? and your point being? :slight_smile:
I read the report… and I KNOW you were the only member…
I literally said how it works… if you’re the only member and you leave the clan you lose everything… period… it’s not a “bug” per se… it’s how it was coded.

What I typed at the end is a suggestion of how it SHOULD BE, not how it is

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If you are the only member (clan leader) and you leave the clan I don’t remember it all being lost. It should stay with you as long as your the only one


Exactly. If you are the last member, you have to be the clan leader because the clan leader can’t leave without promoting someone else to the position. If you are clan leader and leave the clan (only possible if you are the last one in the clan) then all clan items are now the character items. At least it should be.

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As @erjoh said the logical thing is that i was the cla leader but because i was the last member and i wasn’t the leader for some nosense reason i decided to dissolve the cla by leaving but all this happened

Oh, so that’s already a thing then!! Last time the situation came up was in 2017 or so :stuck_out_tongue: Didn’t know we had that.
How did they manage to leave with their other character then… wonder if there was some remnants of a deleted / banned character or something that didn’t show up on the interface but was enough to trick the system.

In any case the system is still quite fragile since whenever someone joins a clan there is literally no trace left anywhere that they ever owned any of their items… so when the last member leaves then… the same has to be done in reverse and actually rewriting the owner of all the stuff, however if even the tiniest glitch occurs in that situation, you’re not getting a second chance.

A ticket to zendesk might be able to uncover some more details to see if there’s some glitched out character remnants in the clan or so and the ownership went to them instead.

There is a clan lead bug out there. It’s rare but it can happen when passing lead around. The result is no one is leader and the one who is supposed to be the leader can literally never leave that clan. Can’t even recreate character. I have it on one server still

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Greetings Exiles,

Thank you for your report. The solution for this issue is currently on TestLive and soon to be released to all platforms. As stated in the Patch notes:

You can read more about what’s to come here:

In the meantime, if you need assistance with the Battle pass items mentioned, please submit a ticket to our Help center so our team can investigate what’s happening in your account’s challenges.

Make sure to select “in-game purchase” as the issue type.

Have a great day!


@Mayra My problem now is that i leaved the cla and it still there without a member and it will decay in 14 days! With this bug fix the buildings will become mine again?

I would strongly suggest the ticket. The update isn’t going to be up till 10 days from now and it may not resolve your issue since you left the clan. If there is some way they can review and reassign your status in said clan, then you at least salvage until the update where leadership will be, hopefully, retroactively assigned to you

And who knows…maybe if you are nice, @Mayra might put in a good word to get your ticket expedited.

@erjoh and @Mayra I made a ticket but i fear i will lose all my building and npcs

Hmmmm :thinking: Maybe you should’ve requested to be reintroduced in your clan instead of refunds of items

Assuming that is how it was worded. What I fear may have happened is that they lumped the request into the same camp as refunders and gave it a form letter/canned response.


Yea, more than likely, in this case it’s rather sad though since the assets are still present and no refunds are required… merely adding the player back to the guild at least

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