I leave my clan and lose ownership of my bases

Game mode: [Online |
Problem: Bug
Region: [Europe]

Hello, when leaving the clan of my friend all my bases and animals no longer belong to me, abandon my clan because my companions are inactive and they will not play again, my base is my, with my own constructions but since I abandoned the clan comes out to me that I do not own as I can recover my bases?

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

The minute you start/enter a Clan everything you place on the ground or build belongs to the Clan and not to you. You only keep whatever you can have on you and your following companion.

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I thought that when leaving the clan, my own constructions would become mine since I built them, because often my clan was inactive, they would not play again but I had to abandon that clan, now I was locked in my own house and lost all in all

Darn! :sweat:
Yup, either someone from the Clan opens a door, or you try to break it if PvP, or remove bracelet and spawn on desert.

Starting/joining a clan has always worked in this manner. Even what you built before joining a clan, becomes clan property, testing being in a clan in a solo game does same thing. Only real solution to this is to stack up on the mats and gear you’ll need, respec into encumbrance do you can max out what you carry, then leave, this way you should have what’s nesassary to start over from scratch.

Best bet, is to get one of friends online to reinvite, and break down and take what you can (as mention above) and restart.

Sadly, thats just how clans work. =(

As you said they were friends … couldn’t you ask one who had invite rank to invite you back into the clan?
If your friends no longer want to play and don’t mind you destroying their buildings then you could do that or just stay away from their bases until the decay timer has elapsed and they despawn naturally.

Or if you are wanting to join with someone else … then ask the friend who is clan leader to make you clan leader … then you can remove everyone else from the clan and when you are the last … then you leave the clan and everything will go into your solo ownership … and then with all buildings etc intact and belonging to you … you can join another clan.

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