I love it But! Glutton for Punishment is broken lets be fair now


Having 800 health and a perk that is kinda buggy and pretty much allows you to ignore damage is kinda busted, I love the fact that I’m almost immortal don’t get me wrong. But as one of the better PVPers out there it needs a nerf pre-update I couldn’t do more than a 1v2 sometimes a 1v3 but yesterday I just 1v7 another clan in the wild and they weren’t noob fighters the problem was they couldn’t kill me because for one the 15 second damages would get interrupted by another instance of damage and cancel that out or it would bug out and give you all that health back in 15 seconds or you’d pop a potion and cancel the damage and heal back up, so I basically just couldn’t die. But I also couldn’t kill anyone because they were all doing the same as well ( and could tag out to heal) so It was essentially a Mexican stand-off where no one could win, and we were a bunch of chickens running around playing slap & tickle. I like the DOT Idea but the perk needs more real-time testing to flush out the details and I would shorten it from 15 seconds to 7 or 5 seconds and making it chunk the health much harder.

Oh they weren’t?

I disagree that it needs a nerf as I’ve killed a few people with it no problem. I prefer last stand myself because I get 7 seconds of god mode

I think the way it should be fixed is damage from other sources shouldn’t cancel it, but replace it. So if you take a 200hp hit and then a 5hp poison damage tick, it should replace the 200 heal over 15 seconds with the 5hp heal.

In addition I would cut the damage healed by the ability to half. So if you took a 200dmg hit, it would heal 100 of that back over 15 seconds. That would bring it a bit in line with other perks of the same tier, and not make fights take forever.

Or and just spitballing here mabye a cooldown on the perk for like 30 sec .

I think that would draw out fights even longer than they already are.

@Boobie I’m kinda fond of the last stand too. That removes all negative effects is huge when it removes bleed, poison, sunder, cripple….lifesaver. But glutton is still op asf too though. A bit too op for pvp but just right for pve where you’re fighting enemies with up to like 25k hp that hit like tanks.

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yeah that would draw it out, people would just kite around,

I haven’t played with last stand much yet, but I have clan mates that do and it is very strong

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