Have some feedback for this perks that’s pretty much remove the joy of PVP.
First of Last stand, 95% dmg reduction for 5 seconds maybe doesnt sounds much. But in PVP and in actual fights it can feel like for ever. You have a perk that makes you unkillable for 5 seconds, it’s super strong and also has a cooldown in only 1 minute?! People either run as soon they get that perk active or they run inside a safe spot untill it reset. Facing a 5+ players with that perk makes it almost impossible to finnish someone of and super boring.
2nd Mad berserker (last perk in str), when below 25% hp you get mad berserker active, wich removes stagger. Stagger someone that’s out of stamina in PVP is one of the core mechanics that makes it possible to finnish someone. But with this perk, they can just keep on running even while getting hit. And since you most of the time need 2-3 more hits it just a run away perk.
Idk? But I doubt it’s just me that’s bored of this. There should not be perks that will make you unkillable for several seconds because they cant avoid hits. Should not be a perk that removes one of the core mechanics in the game wich is stagger. People cried ~3 years ago that it was to hard killing people, now it’s even harder.
Fix these perks, easy by making the dmg redcuction % to 50-60 and find something else for mad berserker. Stagger is needed in the game, and since there was no punishment almost to get out of stamina before, there is no punishment now.
Yes. And also these perks minda benefits you to run rather than keep on fighting. Wich I dont understand, FC should want their players to actually fight rather than running.
If pre 3.0 was Run simulator 1.0 it is now developed to Run simulator 2.0.
Make perks look alike how they where pre 3.0. Like for example, the last perks in str, one gives stagger buff, but the other one makes stagger useless? I wonder wich one people gonna use…
Even if it’s below 25% health I dont really understand why you would use the stagger buff perk.
And also, if you manage to get mad berserker + last stand combined, you pretty much untouchable for 5 seconds. Wich is happening.
Had a long and a nice chat with a friend some days ago… the sad fact is; when stuff is unbalanced in pvp games, devs make sure in MAX 1 week that the things get fixed and ballanced, the community has a large impact in these. but in conan, we have to wait 1 MONTH for game braking stuff to get fixed! (duping, servers being unstable), we can’t realisticly even think that these mechanichs will get even looked at for a year… but don’t worry when they will get looked at and “fixed” they might be even more broken… it is sad to see the game with this kind of potential for PvP and survival games dies because the company can’t be botherd. And i rly hope the CEO will make some changes for better in the future and maybe think about employing the pvp community to help. shame
Wasn’t the initial purpose of this to gather community feedback and do changes based on it?
But what we got were PvP testlive servers without raiding enabled. Just to hide their big fack up of what was called “lightning storm”.
Stout (10 grit perk) still is absolutely useless in the game. Since two months now.
20 Strength perk that increases stagger needs a buff to 50% increased stagger.
The other 10 vitality perk (not the 50% increased heal one) is also completly useless and unchanged.
15 Agi is stil the META perk that EVERY build must have.
Its sad indeed… and sorry to interupt your convo about the broken stuff.
What i have to say about the new attribute system… its a great rework… no lie in that but it is as you guys pointed so many times before totally broken. 2 months to balance it… wishfull thinking
I right away on TL said that these perks will break the fun with PVP or combat at all. Now I decide to not use these perks myself, because I find it lame and boring. But I still need to face it, and playing against it is also lame and boring. If I totally destroy someone in PVP they should not have a perk that makes them untouchable for 5 seconds. I said it from start and I will say it now, last stand and mad berserker is 2 perks that’s supports running away rather than staying and fight. Wich is a lame PVP/combat system.
Testlive has been like that since I was checking out the early 2.x patches. It wasn’t some conspiracy to prevent us from finding out about the LS bug until it was too late.
The only way you’re going to encourage people to fight instead of run is if all perks are offensive buffs. Anything that heals in a burst or gives a window of invulnerability in which to heal is just going to make PVPers run in circles healing. Just like they used to with haunch and aloe soups.
This is an extreme position I know, but I don’t think healing in combat should be in the game at all. It should be slow passive healing and bandages that trap you in an animation only. Buffs that reduce damage or prevent stagger would be OK if you couldn’t heal in that window. Fights would be so much faster and more intense.
I understand that you wont get rid of running, but you can make it less. The problem is not the running itself. The problem is the perks that allows you and help you to run away.
I disagree. Healing has to be in combat. Atleast in PVP. But I dont think a perk is the solution for it. I think food healing with the effect lika ambrosia, but without healing through damage would work perfectly.
Because no healing through combat, would drag people away from fighting even. Especially when they are 1-2 players less. It would give people with more players more advantage than they already have.
Eh, I think the running is the problem. It makes fights a drag. Just my opinion tho.
Maybe… except if no-one can heal, the bigger group can’t either. Many times I’ve fought 1vX. I’ll hurt them but they just heal up while I’m fighting their buddy or dodging a thrall. I feel like if they couldn’t heal without running away from the fight, I could kill more than one of them before dying.
Well it’s hard to heal anyway when you’re outnumbered, usually I can’t. The best way I’ve found is to be really mobile and run around striking people (prioritise interrupting their potions), and try and fit in a potion while they’re all staggered or confused. Best I’ve ever done is one time I killed two players before going down. This is on official.
Sure. You need to play smart in 1vX situations. But there is also one reason last stand and mad berserker removes the fun of it.
If you manage to get someone low they either had 95% dmg reduction and can start run to pot, or they have no stagger and can run away and pot, or have them both combined and you cant touch them for 5+ seconds and then u need to be able to finnish them off before last stand activates again (1min). I feel it’s stupid to have perks like that. Rather see offensive perks that buffs dmg, or vit instead of people getting unkillable for several seconds.