I suggest: Agriculture system

Hello, I would like to see an agriculture system implemented to be able to harvest crops and raise farm animals (goats, pigs, chickens). :slightly_smiling_face:



Yup, I would love that.
Most of PVE community would love that actually and it’s entirely possible we’re gonna have it in some future update/age.

But most importantly, animal pens should be revamped: their entire system is wrong in a sandbox game.

“Age of Husbandry” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’d be happy with a farm plot the size of 1 foundation tile that acts the same as the advanced planter but it looks like a field furrow. That’ll let me make a little realistic looking farm instead of a buch of planter boxes.


Reminds me of Minecraft! Their system is so simple.

Indeed, that would be great.
And would be even easy to implement.

If you have your own server or play solo on PC you might want to have a look at Emberlight mod.
Farming and animal husbandry is part of the mod, and it’s quite cool, you have the animals walking in the pens etc.
It’s one of the true jewels in the workshop.

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You’re right…a great mod !
There are a few others with similar stuff too but imo emberlight one is a must have :slight_smile:

I’m not exactly a fan of farming systems. A system revolving around waiting for something to happen rather than engaging with it and then getting results on how good I did something is much more preferable.

There’s just not really a great suspension of disbelief with popping a seed into dirt really well and getting a reward for it. Instead its interact, and wait… then get something.

Let’s break it down into a simple game.

Farming is clicking a square, not a small square, and not one that is moving, but static. And then it has a timer. Once the timer is up, you are rewarded 100pts.

Where as combat can be simplified as having a square, a circle, and a triangle, not only are there shapes, but the shapes have colors associated with them, red, green, and blue. Then a indicator will flash and say a shape or a color, and you have a limited time to click the shape or color called, the quicker you are the more points you get. (by the way, I played this game in Basic, except I had to shoot the shape or color with a M16, and its a helluva lot of fun, I won’t lie there). The points are awarded immediately upon completion of the goal.

Doing the second option or something similar, isn’t really possible with farming. I mean you could, but it would be jarring to most I’m sure.

To be honest… I wish crafting was more like the second option. The only game I’ve seen do something like that is Everquest 2.

Yes i always thought conan was missing some veggies. Even if they just added in some fruit trees or potatos in the wild & add new recipes or we can grow them like flowers :smile:

Agreed I would love something that would let you farm and have a herd of livestock. Make it unlocked at a higher level so you still have that surviving aspect but once you get to the higher levels it’s not about surviving but thriving and farming would let you do that.l to a greater extent. Look at all the stuff you can build and create in the game but you can’t put some goats in a pen? Or plant a field?

Farming and animal breeding sim would be indeed something cool, plus it fits well to the game setting.

Well, to be fair, Conan Exiles ALREADY has an agricolture system … it’s just poor implemented.
To make it better, with more variety and more realistic is just a great goal if you ask me.

Of course I wouldn’t like CE to become Farmville, but CE is a survival game and agricolture has always been a main theme in survival.

As you said there is nothing about skill in planting a seed into dirt, of course, but … why not ?
I mean, what problems may it bring ?

I didn’t say it would bring problems. I said this:

I’m ok with adding some form of player skill, in the form of something that has risk versus reward. But I think most people are looking for plant and forget when they think agriculture.

Well it is really so … you plant the seed and forget about it.

Why ? Because you are a Warrior-King. You have Thralls to look after your crops.
And do notice: I’m not sayint we should have a mechanic about thralls looking after your crops … I’m saying they can be left alone (and we can pretend we have thralls looking after them).

Now I’m not sure how deep we want to focus on this mechanic, but … risk versus reward ?
I hardly see any risk in planting a seed, and I hardly see any reward considering how useful those plants are.

I would just expand the system a little, offering alternatives to planters (like it has been said crop fields) and maybe removing the need to use compost (which should be a booster or a fuel, not an ingredient). Maybe it can be furtherly expanded with Farmer Thralls or whatever… but not really needed.

That’s it.

Mechanic just need some minor improvements for variety and system overall…

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