Hey there Funcom! More specifically - hey there @AndyB !
In my short period of time back on the forums, I’ve noticed a lot of angst, frustration, and mistrust among the community. I think that stems from the fact that the community does not feel that you are hearing them. That you aren’t listening to and considering their feedback.
If you would like to repair this, and rebuild your stock with the community, you might want to consider hosting a weekly LiveStream where all you do is ANSWER QUESTIONS and concerns from the player base.
The few LiveStreams that I’ve tuned into recently you’ve put off questions to the end, and you never actually get to them. Please consider hosting something (it doesn’t have to be long - 30 minutes a week would probably suffice) where you focus specifically on talking to the community. Talk directly to us. Don’t bring another Funcom associate to pal around with. Don’t show us features of the game. But actually talk to us. Take notes. Bring pen and paper, and write stuff down that you see us expressing in the chat. Make an actionable list.
Sure - you won’t be able to capture everything. And you won’t be able to make all of the people happy all of the time. But if you make the effort to connect with us - I think you will find that we are not the ornery bunch of foul mouth complainers that we sometimes probably appear to be.
Connect with us. Show us that you actually give a rip about what you are changing in OUR game.
Thanks for considering.