A year or so back I actually had their customer support on the phone, on speaker in front of the family and a very plainly they said we don’t give a expletive, go explitive yourself. And then hung up.
I’ve tried posting here to try to find a solution to all the problems that they are creating and instead I got trolled by hateful moderators who then in turn banned me for some time for me being honest and trying to get help.
I logged back on after so long and I read some of the replies and I followed the advice and reached out to the particular moderator and so far have had no reply.
I suspect I really don’t care, or they’re doing some research to find a solution one way or the other.
To have communication to know which one it is would have been nice.
General rule from this point forward. If I see that you’re trying to be a troll or trying to aggravate I will simply block you if this forum will let me.
Being a hateful troll should make you permanently banned. Then again a lot of people don’t know what’s hateful and what’s honest either. they can’t tell the difference between when someone’s spending their energy to actually correct someone versus when someone’s actually being a troll. People don’t have discernment anymore.
In any case, this is me hoping to spite the evidence that funcom does not care nor does anyone here.
Maybe both are so full of the devil that I shouldn’t waste my time. I’m hoping that I can be wrong to be quite honest.
I’m sure that is the entire story, there was no lead up, no bickering, no accusations, no name calling, no law suits threatened.
There hasn’t been live moderators on here in a coons age. You may have run afoul of hateful posters, but I doubt seriously you had a response form a forum mod.
You got banned from the forum. Me being here is proof you had to go above and beyond to get banned. Oh I’ve had a few time outs, but never banned from here.
And I’d bet the vagueness of what the issue is tells us why the threads got toxic.
Please do. I can see you are going to be a thorn in my side, an aggravation I would be hard pressed to ignore, the proof of which is right here. I’ll still respond because, ask anyone, I don’t give a flying fornication. I’m probably one of the most blocked posters on here.
And it’s just unfortunate that we can’t get the other side of the story because privacy laws prevent a company from commenting on individual cases. Luckily we’re able to get the full, unbiased, truthful story from the one party that can post publicly.
I’m sure everybody here loves you despite you being a deack.