No reason for us to continue repeatedly going over all the reasons we are once again unhappy with Funcom’s actions as it is never productive. Whether we are unhappy with the thrall/pet nerf/NPC balance or 45 minutes pvp 1v1 rolling battles, it just does not matter at this point as this entire thing is cyclical. We complain, Funcom does not listen, they put out a ridiculous update/patch/change, we complain and it is rinse and repeat over and over and over. I have been through this wash cycle since 2017 and after two hours playing yesterday, I dismantled everything and body vaulted in case I decide to ever return.
Funcom simply looks at numbers so we can talk until pigs fly and it will not matter. Let’s actually be productive and do something that Funcom will pay attention to- numbers, log out and stay logged out.
After six years of the same head-scratching actions by Funcom while they continue to fail to address day one issues like meshing and exploits and now skybases (which they seem to cater to with body recall ect), I will stay logged out until I see an indication from Funcom that they are listening and actually care about the playerbase.
I’d like to point out that logging in to refresh a building still counts for logging in. If you intend to make this style of feedback work, you’re going to have to have the fortitude to avoid logging in even past your decay times.
My whole clan just peaced out over this update. Its painfully clear this current lead dev has no idea what the playerbase wants or needs. Its pretty sad as exiles has been a staple of my groups gaming for years now.
Yeah its so bad. They just keep changing the game for NO REASON. and they have changed this game so much, and never for the better. Never for the better. This update is sad.
I completely binged the game yesterday… I like the changes themselves, but the bugs are really doing my head in. The foundation bug is just unacceptable on every level, and the heroic treasure bugs are testing my patience.
Its not a good show to hype something and then bugs make it unusable (they hyped about heroic treasures and the bug makes them vanish from my base )
I am assuming you wrote this for the benefit of others but yes, I agree, if someone logs in to refresh a building, this would count for logging in.
I agree but that is the cyclical part I am referring to. Funcom will keep working on microtransactions and making other games while leaving the same meshed spots they have been told about repeatedly in place, ignoring the large number (growing exponentially) of skybases and putting out buggy unbalanced changes while we sit around just saying how sad it is while continuing to log in and support their actions. They do not care about words, this is pretty evident by the last six years, they care about log in numbers so if you truly care, stop logging in.
These are very easily addressed - just don’t buy them. They are cosmetics in the main. Some continue arguing that they are ‘pay to win’ which is nonsense as there are findable and craftable items comparable. Also, it’s not always the weapons weilding the player, but the other way around. Even specialist weaponmasters with the vewy vewy bestest gun can lose out to a player who knows how to weild their strametal, envenomed blades.
I view the building pieces though as part of a DLC so, as with the old DLCs, I will buy if I like them. There is no gun to heads to buy anything in the Bazaar. I have purposefully restricted any purchases to the value of the old DLCs and only within each of the full chapters (one for AoS and the next for Aow as it evolves).
I have to say though, not buying the Battle Pass, not buying Crom Coins, and thus not buying anything from the Bazaar, is the most effective way to complain.
Logging in or staying logged out will not change the fact you bought the game, although I understand that contributing by logging in will keep other players more engaged in the game overall… Welp, I do Single Player instead
I am not against microtransactions. In fact, I often show my support for games I like by purchasing some of these in-game items.
I am just against developers that place more focus on things like microtransactions than fixing ongoing issues that have been in the game for over six years.
It is not very productive to continually complain about losing 50 chest and not liking the fact that you cannot repair legendary weapons (A change I do not have an issue with) or how changes are ‘unacceptable’ while repeatedly saying how angry you are, how it is the right time to quit, how you rage quit, how you are about to quit, while continuing to log in and play, supporting all these Funcom actions but hey, you do you as I was just speaking to those that are serious about not liking the direction Funcom has been taking and actually trying to do something to change it.
Therein lies the problem. I know people who hate the changes to the stamina, but who broke the bank to buy the battle pass and aesthetic stuff. As long as money is coming in, there’s no reason for the situation to change.
Oh I agree there, but I don’t think that Funcom have that as their primary driver. The game needs a complete core-game overhaul and, because it’s a very messy core because of all the many updated, changes, adds and subtracts, staffing, etc it likely is a little like lifting a pack of code, fixing that only to discover a gremlin’s nest below. Fun!
I think the fact that a mod hasn’t come to put a stop to this thread shows that they don’t care at all what we say if this was a sot forum it would have been locked after the first post
Everything has a beginning and ending.
So farewell exile @realist. I am pretty sure you had really good times in this game and pretty sad this game cannot give you this anymore .
So farewell again with the hope to see you again in the future
I regret buying the latest battle pass with coins I already had, since it still shows as money going into the game.
I regret buying all the DLCs. Especially People of the Dragon Pack, since this is the DLC that gave me Nemedian style, which made most of my stuff go poof.
I regret supporting a company that does not seem to care enough to fix issues they caused. We’re almost at a full week since many of us lost most/all of our stuff, with no fix, nor communication as to what is being done (except one “we’re looking into it…lol” post)
I love this game, I don’t like the new changes, and I am losing patience with the people running the game I love.
If one wants to make their displeasure known to a business, there is only one way to do so meaningfully.
And that is in the revenue.
Log in all you want. Stay on as long as you want. Those numbers don’t matter. Is this game still growing at any appreciable rate? Lots of new sales driven by these metrics?
What matters is how much money the produc- er, sorry, service makes.
Don’t spend money unless you are happy with the service.
Until an objection hits the pocket book, it will be ignored.
I’m also not very happy with the changes, but it is still I game I like playing.
Not going to quit because they made a bad decision, they can also change the game again and steer it in the right direction.