I'll never forgive Funcom

I hope this company fails in the most miserable way for what they have done to Anarchy Online.

Froob accounts don’t work, there is no support for paid accounts. I hate you all and I hope you go bankrupt.

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i managed to finally get one of my old froob accounts turned back on… i had to go through the old account portal to do it using the secret world login page. because the new AO account page doesn’t work… as for no support this game is 20+ years old its a wonder they haven’t shut it down

If it’s about froobs accounts that are frozen or “payment pending” accounts, you will find below how to re-activate FREE (froob) accounts on the newaccount page and “payment-pending” accounts !

Yes, this also works if your paid account is stuck on “payment pending”.

It’s on Athen Paladins forums; has been there for a long time.


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I have played AO on and off since 2001. The game is great, but needs improvement and yet still brings me back. Most of you may not remember there was a third server and was for our German community. Many of us have grown up and moved on. What I notice lately is a lower player count it seems.

On steam they advertise the game as free and you can buy a package to basically skip the first 200 levels, if absolutely true that has in itself ruined the game, great for Funcom financials. People who never played buy the level up and have no clue how to play their character. I feel they forgotten about people leveling from 1-200.

I remember when they started the Free to play program. What they could have done was kept the monthly sub at 12.95 instead of 14.95 USD. Now what I do like is the fact you can pay monthly, 3 months, 6 months, or lastly 12 months. Not many MMO’s do this, Blizzard offers something close to it. Great entertainment value or best bang for your buck. To the OP I feel your pain and understand how you feel.

Most players will never know the real struggles of a hardcore AO player. Running around getting buffs to upgrade your character, buying and selling through a trade channel. Nonstop missions to find gear to sell. The GMI on Rubika (RK5) was a great addition, but should have a lower credit cap. Some of the prices are absolutely insane. With the level up package it ruined for low-to mid level players. Yes there are world dungeons with decent (my opinion) gear and you need more than 6 players in some cases. My wife plays with me now and then and never understood why I went running around for seeking buffs and higher weapons than I could equip when I would out level them.

I hope FC will return to this gem of a game, and improve it.

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I’ve made a few characters on Rubi-Ka 2019 and I will say it is truly Hardcore. I see people and no one is willing to help even for a simple buff.