Game mode: [ Online official ]
Type of issue: [ Other ]
Server type: [ PvE ]
Region: [ ASIA ]
Hardware: [ PS4 PRO ]
Bug Description:
*Hello Conan Team
This is a Great game . i’m very like it
But i meet a very bad stituation
- i’m Playing PVE ( Not PVE-C ) server to build and not losing stuff
- But another player seem to find a way to destroy my Base and take my Stuff on PVE server . I don’t Know how but they do many heavy Raid . My base got destroy in many Part and my stuff are gone not completely because i have big base .
- It happen since 31/12/2021 - 03/01/2022 . Each days Online i see may stuff gone away and chest being destroy . Some part of the base being destroyed each days .
- My Pet and animal inside base being all killed
- No purge meter yet not even reach the ponit
- No Decaying For i’m online and Check every days , My base all connected . 336 hour
I really need your Supported on this matter . Funcom . pls help *
Steps to Reproduce:
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- (etc)